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Han threw his bag down onto the floor next to him. "The hell if I am." His voice was laced with disagreement. "I'm fine right here."

Lee Know rolled his eyes expecting this. He stood up and grabbed Hans bag and threw it over his shoulder. He then continued to walk right out the dorm door.

Han chased him, "hey! What the hell?" He caught up and tried to grab his bag back from the older.

But once again Lee Know swung around and pushed Han up against the wall. Lee Know brought their faces extremely close. Not caring if the younger saw his eyes on Hans lips.

Hans heart instantly raced. That familiar feeling that Lee Know drowned him in was back. Han loved every second of the adrenaline that sourced through them both.

He tensed and pushed himself as flat against the wall as he could. Although he wanted to feel the older touch all over his body again he knew it would only lead to more pain.

Han brought his eyes up from Lee Knows lips to his eyes. He watched as the older watched his lips. Han leaned up to the olders ear acting as if he was going to start kissing his neck. But instead he whispered, "I don't need your fucking pity." He grabbed his bag and walked away giving Lee Know the death glare.

Lee Know watched as the younger did that. He knew the effect he had on the younger. And he decided to use it to help him.

Lee Know smirked to himself and he ran up behind the boy and wrapped one hand around his waist and the other unknowingly locked its fingers around Hans neck.

Without really understanding why, Han rolled his eyes to the back of his head and he leaned his head back on Lee Knows shoulder behind him. Han quickly let out a moan as he felt Lee Knows grip get tighter on his neck.

Lee Know wasn't expecting that to be the youngers reaction. But oh damn did he love it. He leaned down and kissed the exposed neck that Han gave him leaning him back. He only gave one small kiss and he went up to Hans ear and said, "what was that?"

"I'm not coming with you." Han said through a breathy  voice. Despite his current state and wants he still knew it was better to keep his distance.

Lee Know didn't like the response he was given. He used his hand to let go of Hans waist and push him back up against the wall.

They were now facing each other with Lee Knows hand still placed on the younger.

Lee Know looked down upon Han as he got extremely close to his face once more. "Fine." Lee Know said squeezing tighter on Hans neck avoiding actually hurting him.

Han let out another pleasure filled moan. Lee Know gripped onto the youngers back and pulled Hans waist closer. Now both boys could feel the affect they had on each other.

"I'll show you what you're missing out on." Lee Know smirked confusing the younger still under his hold. Lee Know smashed his lips onto Hans.

Han responded without hesitation. This time it was rougher. Less love. More aggressive. More need. More want. Han used his hands and placed them on either side of Lee Knows waist. He gripped and pulled the olders waist closer.

Their lips matched up and moved together as if this was all pre rehearsed and planned. Lee Know got more needy as he slipped his hand off of Hans neck and trailed it down his body.

Both hands met up at Hans pants button. Lee Know quickly undid the button and unzipped the zipper. But he stopped there.

He released his lips from the youngers and started to trail down his neck. He stopped to suck on the sweet spot he had discovered last time. Han let out another moan followed by, "I want you Lee Know."

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