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"Come on." Felix said jumping off of Hans bed. "I'm bored....and I'm starting to get hangry." He started pulling Hans leg and dragging him off of the bed.

Han quickly pulled his leg back and climbed off of the bed to avoid falling onto the floor at the expense of Felix.

"Fine." Han said groggily seeing as he chose to ditch classes today and stay in bed. He wasn't feeling too good and Felix decided to come annoy him after he finished his own classes.

They headed to a nearby bay and restaurant.

Felix tried making conversation while Han laid with his head down. "So what's your deal?" Felix bluntly asked.

"I'm sick." Han replied with an 'obviously you dumbass' attitude in his voice.

"Well duh." Felix responded while hitting his brother hinting at him to sit up. "I meant with you and Lee Know."

This earned at glare from Han. "Hyunjin told you?" He rolled his eyes already expecting the 'yes'.

Once he saw Felix nod his head he sighed and sat up. "Look. I just dont want to be with him. Why can't you guys just respect my decision." He was getting slightly worked up due to the frustration of everyone always asking him about it.

Felix decided to call him out on his lies. "Because I.N keeps getting woken up in the middle on the night to you crying while scrolling through yours and Lee Knows old messages and pictures. Because Seungmin could tell you were severely depressed afterwards and he barely even knew you! Because Bang Chan saw as the smile on your face faded day by day and you only got excited when Lee Know was mentioned. Because Changbin is the biggest Minsung supporter and wants you guys back together. Because Hyunjin now knows that you are the only person to ever be enough for Lee Know just the way you are. Because I want my brother back....." he took a break before saying the last fact. "And because Lee Know hears your cries of pain and heartbreak every night in the showers." He looked at his brother to catch his reaction to that.

Han snapped his vision back towards his brother. "What?" Was all he asked as he tried to process everything.

"He walked into the bathrooms one day after visiting Hyunjin. He heard someone crying and could instantly tell that it was you." Felix said as he watched Han lower his head. "He wanted to comfort you and make sure you were ok but he knew you'd fight against it." He finished waiting for a response before he continued.

Han just stared at the table confused and lost for words.

The waiter came up and gave them their food.

After a few minutes, Han still hadn't lifted his head or spoke so Felix called his name. "Han?"

Han slowly lifted his head as he looked at the little brother.

Felix's heart broke once he saw Hans tear stained cheeks, and bloodshot eyes. His nose was red and puffy. And once he made eye contact with Felix it got worse.

He tried holding it back since they were in public but it was hard.

Felix instantly asked the server to make their food to-go. Once that was finished he quickly ushered Han outside.

The second Han felt the fresh air hit his face it was like a finger pressing a button, and all of the tears and emotions he had been holding back since college started...came rushing out in a quick flood.

Felix felt like the big brother in this situation. He held onto his brother and allowed him to let out all of his emotions.

A few minutes passed of Han crying into Felix's shoulder leaving a huge wet mark on his shirt. Once Han pulled out of the hug, Felix gave Han a few seconds to recover.

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