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"Thank you mom." Han said as he hugged his mom the next morning. "And thank you too." He switched to Felix.

"Now get to school and keep those grades up so-" Felix cut Han off.

"I know. So I can come join you next year. I know. Now go." Felix pushed Han out of the doorway of their house.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you there after I drop Felix off at school?" Hans mom asked as Han slowly walked away from the house.

"No mom it's okay. It'll give me time to think things over. Thank you though." He yelled back. "I love you guys." He waved his hand and turned away from the house walking down the street.

"Come on. Let's get you to school." Their mom said pushing Felix towards the car as he grunted.

Han walked to the nearest bud stop and hopped on the bus that was headed back towards his campus.

Just like last time he sat in the seat and started out the window lost in thought. Except this time no tears were falling down his cheeks.

After visiting home and seeing his mom and brother after so long, he felt relaxed and content with life. He felt like himself again. He now knew what he had to to do. And he was happy with his decision.


Han climbed off the bus and entered the college grounds. He sighed a the gloomy depressing feeling of being back. But he decided to shake it off and ignore it. He continued to walk towards the dorms.

I'm going to make today a good day no matter wh-

His thoughts were cut off as he was stopped in his tracks. He looked at the front doors of his dormitory building.

Lee Know....

It felt as if all the problems of his past came back without hesitation. He didn't like the feeling that the older gave him anymore. He hated it.

He got an idea as he quickly pulled his phone out and turned it on.

Once it was on he clicked on his contacts and found I.N's name.

He put the phone to his ear and let it ring.

"Hello? Han?! Are you okay?" I.N rushed out as soon as he picked up.

"Yes I.N I'm fine. I'm back at the campus trying to get in the dorms but Lee Know is sitting by the doors. Can you come distract him or something so I can sneak in. I don't want to see him right now." Han rushed out while hiding from Lee Know behind a tree.

Other students passed by and noticed Han. They gave him confused and worried expressions wondering if he was in drugs or drunk.

"Han....I'm not at the dorms. I'm at class. I had to step out to answer your call." I.N's voice sounded worried. "But-" I.N continued talking but Han was distracted by someone in person.

"Heyyyyy. Han! Your back? Nice to see ya man. How are you doing? Last time I saw you you looked pretty freaked out. Are you okay?" A concerned Bang Chan walked up and started bombarding Han with questions.

From not too far away Lee Know snapped his his vision up towards where he heard Hans name. He saw Bang Chan talking to someone behind a tree. Without hesitation he got up and ran towards it.

Before Lee Know reached the tree Han hung up on I.N. and quickly explained to Chan that he was hiding.

Chan looked over and saw Lee Know reaching them. He put his arm up and stopped Lee Know from going any further. "Heyyyyy Lee Know. Whatcha doin?"

"I know he's behind there. Let me see him." He tried pushing a hand arm out of the way and going around him but to no avail Chan was a good body guard. "Nope no one's there. Sorry man." Chan said.

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