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Despite Hans kindness on not pressing charges, the sight of Hyunjin absolutely terrified him. And hearing Lee Know say his name at the door scared him.

"Why are you here?" Lee Know wouldn't let Hyunjin enter his house.

"I miss you. Let me in. I got food." He pushed Lee Know back making him stumble. Hyunjin walked down the small corridor and turned to the right to enter the living room.

Han quickly sat up wincing in pain, his eyes widened and his anxiety overtook him. Hyunjin froze once he saw Han. He nearly dropped the food he was holding.

Lee Know quickly joined and stepped in front of Hyunjin making sure he wouldn't go near the younger. But without any moment to spare Han fainted due to anxiety of being in the same room as Hyunjin.

Lee Know heard movements so he turned to look at Han and saw his unconscious body. While Lee Know was looking back Hyunjin slipped around him and walked towards to younger.

Once Lee Know saw he quickly reached out his hand and grabbed onto Hyunjin's arm to stop him. "Stay away from him. He doesn't want you here and neither do I. So just leave." He kept his grip tight.

Hyunjin gave Lee Know a cold look and snapped his arm away. "Do you think I'm going to hurt him?" His heart hurting

"You nearly killed him...I wouldn't put it past you to use this time to your advantage." Lee Know said bluntly.

Hyunjin scoffed. "Why is he here." He set the food on the coffee table in front of him as he stared at the boy on the couch.

"He just got out of the hospital today. I'm taking care of him until he gets the okay to live normally again." Lee Know stated keeping it short and simple wanting the younger to leave.

"He just got out!? Why so late? It happened over a month ago?!!!" Hyunjin looked at Lee Know confused and genuinely seeming as though he cared.

"He was in a coma. He woke up a few days ago." Lee Know stated with a 'duh' tone. "Didn't you know?" He was now also confused.

Once Hyunjin heard that Han was in a coma his heart sunk. His whole demeanor changed. He looked at the unconscious boy and quickly ran out of the house.

Lee Know stood there confused. He didn't know what just happened but he brushed it off. He looked at the table in front of him and saw the food.

He smiled and picked it up. He stored it in the fridge for tomorrow. "Han will like this." He then went back into the living room and pulled all the blankets away from Han.

He slid his hands underneath the youngers body and picked him up. He then carried the boy into his bedroom.

A smile quickly glued to his face once he realized Hans side of the bed was being filled again. He set the younger down and pulled the covers over him.

Before he walked away he looked down at the boy and admired him. Without realizing it he was smiling like a 3 year old smiles at candy.

He leaned down and planted a kiss on Hans forehead. He barely lifted his lips off of his skin and whispered. "I love you." He then completely stood up and walked away.

He changed into his night clothes then laid down and went to sleep with the younger.


The next morning Han woke up to a bright light shining in his eyes.

"Yea...oh- he's awake now. I'll call you back later ok? Yes, I promise." Han looked over in the direction of the voice.

He noticed Lee Know was on the phone. Han rolled over a laid on the olders bare chest. "Who was that?" He asked curious.

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