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Lee Know and Han laid in bed that day. They decided to watch some more movies and cuddle since their time together was running out.

They only had a few days before break was over and the campus was back in business.

Lee Know was lying on his back with his legs spread. Han was lying in between his legs watching the movie.

Lee Know couldn't concentrate on the movie. His eyes were fixed on the brown haired boy lying on him. He lifted his hand and started playing with Hans hair while losing himself in thought.

I don't know what I'm doing. This is all fast and confusing. How could this all happen so fast. I can't be in a relationship. I'm not good enough for him. He'll leave me I know he will. I know I'm putting myself in a position where I am going to get hurt again, But yet this boy makes me not care about those things. Something about him changes my whole belief system. It makes no sense. I've had many one night stands and desires to have sex with someone. But that's all they were to me. And that's all I thought Han was to me at first but...i don't know. I tried to convince myself that I was only interested because of the sickness he is hiding from me. But over time I realized that was just a cover up for me actually wanting him around. He makes me want to be good and care. He makes me want to try again. I don't want anyone else. Not anymore. I only want him. Permanently. Not just as a friend with benefits......

"Lee Know?" The older heard causing him to snap out of his thoughts.

"Yes?" He said looking down at the younger who was staring at him with a confused look.

"Are you ok? You were zoned out and I think you were fixing to cry." Han lifted his hand and placed it on Lee Knows cheek.

Lee Know looked into Hans dark drown eyes and finished his thoughts.....

....i want him as my boyfriend.....I want him to be mine.

Lee Know kissed the palm of Hans hand. "Yea I'm fine. Just lost in thought." Han gave him an understanding look. "Let's go eat." Lee Know said as him and Han got up to grab some food from the kitchen.


It was their last night together before Han had to go back to his dorm. He enjoyed the time he had with Lee Know. The only regret was that they both wished that they would've talked sooner.

Both of the boys were on the couch in the living room playing video games. Call of Duty Zombies to be more accurate.

"Shit!" Lee Know yelled as gun shots and the sound of zombies rung throughout the house. The boys had reached round 16 and Lee Know was carrying the match.

"Crap!" Han yelled. "I'm down again."

"Han, that's like the 30th time!!" Lee Know yelled frustrated and focused. "Shit! We're going to lose. I can't get to you. Im surrounded." Just as Lee Know finished talking, the words 'game over' appeared on the screen. "Damn it."

"Im sorry." Han said feeling bad for sucking at this and making Lee Know lose.

Lee Know turned to the younger and gave him a small smile and a laugh. He set his controller down and pulled the younger into a hug. "It's ok. It's just a game. I just take it a little too seriously sometimes." He kissed the top of the fragile boys head.

Once the released Han pulled out his phone and checked the time. "Do you wanna go lye down?" He asked feeling tired.

The boys both trailed to the room. They were both quiet seeing as they knew this was their last night for break and Han needed to leave tomorrow.

"What's your class schedule?" Lee Know asked as he changed into his night clothes.

Han walked over to the dresser and grabbed some clothes. Before he headed to the bathroom to change he replied with, "I'll text it to you. Why?" He still stood by the dresser picking out clothes to wear.

Attached // MinsungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora