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Han woke up the next morning with a raging headache. He dragged himself downstairs and plopped at the bar. He laid his head on the counter as his mom set another cup of coffee in front of him.

Han snapped his head up. "Where's Felix?"

His mom noticed his state and dug threw the medicine cabinet. "Here take these." She handed him some ibuprofen. "And Felix is at school."

"Oh yea I forgot about that already." He said giving a small laugh and popping the pills into his mouth. "Thank you." He thanked his mom for the medicine.

She hummed in response and waited for him to start talking. He didn't.

"Mom..." he started. To hopefully sway her away from trying to talk about the topic.

"Honey you need to deal with whatever happened. You can't bottle it up. It's not healthy." She explained wanting to help her son.

"There's more to the story than just 'what happened'." Han was scared to tell her the truth about himself. He didn't know how she was going to react.

"I'm your mother. I know I've sucked at it lately...but I'm here to listen and help. I want to be someone you can talk to. We used to be that way. I miss it and I miss you. So please. Let me help you." She had her sad mom eyes on as she spoke which touched Hans heart. He missed seeing those.

"Fine. I'll tell you. Only if you promise to be a friend right now and not my mom. Please." He knew that she was going to look at it from a moms point of view either way.

"Of course." She sat down next to him and opened up her ears.

Han took a deep breath and started. He explained how me met someone and caught feelings. And how the person was a player and Han fell for their tricks. How he found out he was being played and there was someone else the whole time. He hid who this person was and what their gender was.

"Oh no..." was all his mother said at first. She got up and gave him a hug. She sat down and looked at him. "A lot of girls are like that now a days honey. Sometimes you just gotta ignore relationships and focus on your studies. I'm glad to hear that you're living a life outside of school but don't change who you are for some girl. Stay you and focus on your studies at a young age. Ignore stupid young girls. Wait for a woman." She gave him a kiss on the forehead and almost walked away.

"Wait...mom...." Han hated that he said that. He wished he stayed quiet and would've just left the conversation as is.

"Yea?" She turned and faced him again.

"There's one more thing." His mom nodded. "And I really need you to see it as my friend and not my mom....please." He begged out of fear.

She nodded and waited for what he had to say.

"It wasn't......" Han stopped. He took a deep breath and looked away from his mom. "It wasn't a girl." He blurted out before he allowed himself to back out of it. He could feel his nerves getting ready to shut his body down but he fought it off.

"What do you mean?" His mom asked completely oblivious.

"The one who did all of that...the one I caught feelings for. It wasn't a girl...." Han stopped as he heard his mom inhale sharply. He looked at her. "I'm gay..." Tears welled up as he saw the expression on his moms face.

Her hand has been covering her mouth which was wide open. Her eyes just the same out of shock. Her eyes welling with tears as well.

Han dropped his gaze waiting for the disapproving yelling to start. But much to his surprise out of the corner of his eye he watched as his mom just silently left the room.

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