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Over the course of the next few weeks Hyunjin started to hang out with the group a lot more. Han told Chan, I.N, Seungmin, and Changbin what happened at the park and that he was trying to fix things.

Everyone was surprisingly getting along quiet well. Hyunjin and Han were starting to become how they used to be when Han first started college.

Most of the time Han was stuck in his thoughts while everyone was hanging out. As he observed from the outside, he could see how Hyunjin meant what he said about his feelings towards Felix.

Sometimes he even caught the older staring at his little brother like he was staring at the night sky. He could tell that Hyunjin was uncontrollably in love with his younger brother. And Felix felt the same way but he just hid it to avoid scaring Hyunjin off.

"You should ask him to be your boyfriend now." Han suggested as Hyunjin and him were in line at a ice cream shop to get ice cream for everyone at a carnival.

Hyunjin looked over at Han. "I want to." Hyunjin sighed a bowed his head. "But I'm not sure if he's ready....so I don't want to pressure him or force him."

Han let out a pft sound as he nudged Hyunjin in his arm to get the older to look at him. "He's ready. Trust me. He's been waiting a while." Han continued after giving a short pause. "But hey, you didn't hear it from me."

Hyunjin's heart and lips both grew a massive smile as he heard Han out his little brother. "Really?!?" His excitement and dramatic side popped out in a millisecond.

"Really." Han confirmed for Hyunjin. "You should be cheesy and ask him out at the top of the Ferris wheel when it gets dark." Han was joking around trying to refer to all the movies ever made with a scene in a carnival. But Hyunjin took it seriously.

"Ooooo. Wait that's an amazing idea. I should totally do that!" Hyunjin playfully smacked Han to show his excitement.

Hans face went dead pan. "I was joking." As he scanned Hyunjin's face more he realized Hyunjin was actually going to take that idea and put it to use. "Dude...you're really doing that?" Han asked curious and a little worried for the answer. He gave up and just let out a laugh and they continued to get their ice cream as Hyunjin ran over all of the plans and ideas he had in his mind.


As night began to fall Hyunjin became more and more nervous. Han was the only one who noticed and who knew why.

The sky became filled with stars much too fast for Hyunjin. Han gave him a smirk as he started walking towards the back of the carnival where the Ferris wheel was located. The rest of the group noticed and nonchalantly started following.

Hyunjin noticed and quickly ran to Han. "Noooo." He said as he grabbed a hold of his arm and started jumping up and down to throw a fit.

Han didn't say anything he just smiled and kept his gaze towards the front.

Without realizing it they were all now standing in line at the Ferris wheel. Han urged for Hyunjin and Felix to go first. Hyunjin cursed at Han and Felix got extremely happy and thanked his brother.

Before their cart left the loading dock Hyunjin gave Han one last glare and Han threw him a thumbs up with a sarcastic smile.

When the worker tried to urge Han and a stranger to get on the next one Han quickly declined and stepped out of line.

Chan and I.N got on together and Changbin and Seungmin got on another. Han patiently waited for all of his friends to return back to the ground with him.

Han just watched as Hyunjin's cart slowly started to reach the top.

Once it did a smile formed on his face without realizing.

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