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Han got back to his dorm quiet late that night. He started out heading home after he left Lee Knows but somewhere along the way he decided to take a detour. He started thinking about everything that happened.

He knew he couldn't handle losing feelings for the older then being friends with him afterwards. Once he lost feelings he had to stay away otherwise they would flood right back in to his heart.

But he was glad about one thing. He knew he didn't and wouldn't ever regret giving his first time away to Lee Know.

Once he got to his dorm room it was 11:54 PM. He checked the time on his phone once he realized Hyunjin wasn't in the dorm either.

"Oh....so we're both going to be sleep deprived tomorrow." Han let a small laugh escape to cope. "Glad I'm not the only one." He said throwing his things on the floor as he let his body collapse onto the bed.

Once his head hit the pillow he wasn't awake for much longer. He didn't care enough to changed into pajamas. He just wanted sleep and for his mind to turn off.


The next morning Han woke up to a bright light shining threw the curtains. He threw his hand over his eyes with attitude.

He let out a grunt as he reached his free hand to pick up his phone. He turned it on to check the time.


Han shot up quickly as his heart dropped. "I slept for 12 hours!?!?!?! AND I missed my first class?!!?" He let out a small scream/sigh and threw himself back to the bed throwing a small fit.

He looked over and of course Hyunjin had already left. "At least one of us woke up on time for classes." He rolled his eyes at himself as he got up and grabbed clean clothes and his things for a shower.

Once he got out of the shower he threw on blacks sweats, a black hoodie, and his shoes. He didn't bother drying his hair as he dropped his belongings back off in his dorm and then left again for breakfast.

He was sitting in the cafeteria eating slowly eating his food as he stared at his phone screen.

No texts. Han let out a small sigh again as he shut his phone off and laid it on the table.

"Can I sit?" He heard as he looked up and saw a younger looking boy standing before him.

"Yea go ahead." Han said leaning back in his seat as he waited for the boy to say something. But he didn't. The silence drew out and Hans nerves started getting bad.

"Uh-my names Yang Jeongin. But you can call me IN." The boy finally said something. Han avoided eye contact. His anxiety told him that doing that helps ease the awkwardness.

"My name is Han Jisung. But you can just call me Han." He let out a small laugh to distract from the awkwardness.

"I've seen you around campus and you are never hanging out with anyone besides Hyunjin a few times." IN admitted.

"You know Hyunjin?" Han asked curious as to why he knows him.

IN nodded and continued with, "yea. Haven't you heard? Everyone knows him." IN said with a 'are you dumb' tone to his voice.

"Oh right. Yea I heard." Hans tone on the other hand showed that he wasn't happy.

"What's wrong?" IN asked. "Do you not like Hyunjin? You know everyone is jealous that you were the lucky one to get to share a room with him." IN admitted while talking quiet fast.

"What? Why?" Han asked now even more confused then before. He still seemed a little uninterested in talking and socializing.

"Because the girls and nearly every guy on campus would happily let him fuck them." IN said lowering his head blushing. "But sadly he's too hopped up on Lee Know to want anyone else."

Attached // MinsungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang