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"Couldn't sleep." Lee Know replied squeezing the younger to keep him warm. "Why are you up here?"

"Looking for you. I woke up and you were gone." Han explained and got a 'mhm' in return from Lee Know.

"Your mom..." Lee Know started hoping he wouldn't cross any boundaries. "Does she always do this?"

Han was calm and just shook his head, "no. My guess is that she finally accepted that I've grown up and she doesn't need to take care of me anymore."

"Well I'm still sorry that she did that." Lee Know kissed the top of Hans head. "No one should be alone. Especially on the holidays. It's lonely."

That caught Hans attention. He looked up at the older and said, "well I wasn't alone. I had you. And by the way....why are you here and not with your family?" Han decided to ask.

Lee Know looked at the younger then shook his head, "I don't want to talk about it." He then pulled Han back into his stern embrace.

Han understood and just left it alone. He didn't want to force him to talk about anything. And Han was very patient so he can wait until Lee Know tells him on his own.

"I don't want to leave." Han said after a short moment of silence between them.

Lee Know agreed with him and kissed his head once more but held it longer.

"What do we do? Once everyone comes back and classes start again." Han was curious and his grip seemed to tighten on Lee Know. "Will I get to see you?"

Han knew that the older didn't like being in a relationship. He also knew he liked playing the part of the cool guy who cares for no one. So how will him and Han continue to act how they want towards each other.

"You can come over whenever you want. And I can come over whenever I want." Lee Know stated bluntly. Han loved that. And he agreed.


It was the first day back from break. Han went back to his dorm and of course already missed Lee Know. He didn't want to immediately text him and seem too clingy or attached. So he fought the urge and never texted or called.

Lee Know felt lonely again and already missed the younger as well. He didn't want to admit to it though so he convinced himself he missed Hans presence and not him as a person.

Han headed to his first class since being back. This was the class that Lee Know was in. He expected to see him in there but unfortunately Lee Know was a no show today.

Han was really bummed out because he planned on talking to him but now he had to wait longer.

The class slowly crept by as he continued to stare at his phone hoping a text or a call from the older would show up.

But nothing.

He must've played me. It's ok. It's my fault for getting too attached right off the bat.
He thought to himself.

His professor dismissed the class and he quickly headed to his dorm to take another nap before his next class.

He opened the door and was quickly pulled in and the door was shut. He didn't have enough time to see who did this until he was pushed up against a wall and kissed.

Out of instinct he closed his eyes but quickly opened them to see who it was.

Lee Know.

Once he knew it was the older he allowed himself to melt into the kiss. He lifted his arms and placed them around his neck.

The serenity that Han felt while kissing the older was addicting and he loved it.

Lee Know pulled away and gave Han a smirk.

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