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I.N woke up the next morning. He rolled over to grab his phone off of his side table. He looked over at Hans bed and saw his sleeping while facing the wall.

After a little bit of waiting for Han to wake up I.N decided to give up and go get breakfast on his own.

As he got up and walked past Hans bed to his dresser he stopped. He turned around and looked at Hans bed.

I.N let out a sigh and he rubbed his temples. "Han...I'm trying to help you but you're not letting me." He angry whispered to himself.

He saw Lee Know and Han sleeping in the same bed and he got extremely annoyed so he quickly grabbed his things and left the room.


When Han woke up he noticed I.N left. He was kind of thankful for that but scared he pissed him off.

As he knocked himself back to reality he rolled over and leaned on Lee Know. "Wake up." He said as he gave a small kiss on his cheek.

He did that a few more times before the older slowly batted his eyes open. Instantly Lee Knows eyes glued onto Han.

A smile formed and he could feel his heart race as well.

"Good morning." He said in his raspy morning voice.

He reached his arms around the younger and pulled him into a tight hug. "How's you sleep?"

Han let out a muffled 'good' seeing as his face was buried in Lee Knows chest.

Both boys spent some time together before they had to leave for their first class.

"Are you actually going to start showing up now since things are calmer between us?" Han asked curious and hoping that he would be able to see the older some more.

Lee Know nodded then continued, "I actually should probably go ahead and leave." Han started to throw a fit but he stopped him and finished speaking. "I need to change my clothes and I could probably use a shower-" Han cut him off.

"But you can use my clothes and you took one last night."

Lee Know saw this as an opportunity to tease the younger. "I don't think we did much cleaning in the shower." A smirk was glued to his lips.

Hans face quickly turned red and hit the olders shoulder as he became extremely shy.

Lee Know laughed then got off the bed. He started sliding his shoes on and grabbed what he brought with him.

He walked back over to Han who was still pouting on the bed. "I'll see you later ok?" He gave a small kiss on Hans head then placed one on his lips.

They exchanged their goodbyes then Lee Know left the dorm and headed back to his own place.

Han decided to quickly get ready then go find I.N in the cafeteria.


Almost instantly Han spotted the little one tucked off at a corner table eating alone.

As Han reached the table I.N looked up and he seemed annoyed the second he laid eyes on the older.

Han sat down and asked him, "are you ok? I'm sorry if what you saw angered you."

"Nope. It's your dorm too. All I'm saying right now...is that when he hurts you don't come running to me because all I'll have to say is that I told you so."

Judging by I.N's tone Han knew he was pissed. Han let out a sigh and just nodded his head, "ok fine. I won't. But please don't be mad at me. I'll figure it out and leave you out of all of it ok?" Han said trying to compromise with the younger.

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