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Before Han could go back downstairs Lee Know caught him and stopped him.

Han turned towards the boy and said, "look I'm tired of your annoying flirt joking. If you're attempting to be friends with me then stop trying to get in my pants." He said annoyed and tired of the olders games.

Lee Know let out a sigh as he just ignored the boys request and dragged him back up onto the roof.

Once they were seated again Lee Know started to speak. "Have you ever thought about being into men?"

Han was surprised to hear that. "No I haven't why?" He asked curious as to what is going on inside Lee Knows mind.

"It's just that the first time I met you you seemed a little....stuck in the closet." Lee Know said this time laying completely down on the roof.

Han started to think. His mind also started to panic and his thoughts were taking him places so he decided that this little sleep over was done.

"I'm sorry Lee Know but I have to go." Han then said and once more quickly darted off of the roof and through the house.

Han gathered all of his belongings and ran out the front door. Lee Know stayed on the roof this time and watched as the boy ran out from his front door and down the street. He found himself smiling and laughing at Hans sudden mood change outbursts.

I'll give him some time. It's okay. Lee Know thought as he continued lying on the roof for a little before he decided to go join the party.


That night Han ran back to his dorm. Thankfully Hyunjin wasn't there due to the party so Han had some time to himself.

Did I leave too dramatically? Oh it's fine. He'll be fine. He's a big boy. Han spoke to himself thinking he was too dramatic about the whole situation. He knew he was but he didn't want to admit that.

That night Han was alone in his dorm constantly asking himself questions.

Could I be attracted to guys?
What if it's just Lee Know?
Does he like me?
What if it's just my heart and mind playing tricks on me since I've never experienced love or a crush?
Why do I miss him?
Why did I enjoy his touch earlier?
I wonder what his lips-

At that question Han slapped himself out of his thoughts and forced himself to fall asleep.


The next morning ~Saturday morning to be exact~ Han woke up and to his surprise he woke up to a snoring Hyunjin.

Han immediately tried to ignore his thoughts and focus on doing work that didn't actually need to be done. He just wanted an excuse for distracting himself.

The same questions ran over and over again in his mind no matter how hard he tried. Eventually he got tired of it and turned to Hyunjin who was now awake and watching Netflix.

"Hey Hyunjin." He said catching the boys attention. "How did you know you liked guys?"

Once Hyunjin heard this question he instantly tuned in. He got all excited and giddy. "Why?!?!? Do you think you're gay?!!?" He was now jumping around the boy being wayyyyyy too dramatic.

Han instantly denied, "No! It's just...I don't know. I'm curious." He said being suspicious but Hyunjin ignored it and started speaking anyways.

"I don't know either. I just know that one day I met this guy and I felt that feeling you get when you like someone. Then I knew and accepted it and everything is history." Hyunjin says quickly brushing over everything.

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