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Lee Know gave a small smile and leaned his torso down towards the younger. He gently placed his lips on Hans.

Instantly Han followed along letting Lee Know guide him. Lee Know then lowered his body completely on the youngers.

After letting things heat up a little Lee Know pulled away again and stood up. This time he pulled the younger to sit up so he could take his shirt off.

Once Hans upper body was exposed he instantly became insecure and covered himself. Lee Know took notice of this and got down on his knees in front of the boy. Now he was level with Han.

He grabbed the youngers wrists and pulled his arms away from his body. Now that Lee Know could properly see Han he decided to treat the boy.

Lee Know leaned forward and kissed the boys shoulder lightly. "Why did you cover yourself?" Lee Know asked looking up at the boy.

"I-...." Han couldn't form a sentence because he honestly didn't know why. So he just said, "no one has ever seen my body before." He wouldn't keep eye contact with the older.

"I'm glad I'm the first. But don't cover up around me. I like what I see in front of me." Lee Know said as he leaned back in and started kissing the boy some more but this time going to the neck.

This feeling of lips on his neck was amazing. Han loved every second of it and the feeling it brought. He leaned his neck creating more space for the older.

Lee Know reached his hand up to the boys waist gripping onto his bare skin. He kissed right under the youngers jawline. As soon as he did that Han let out a moan. "Did I find a sweet spot?" Lee Know asked letting out a small chuckle.

Han looked at him and innocently nodded his head.

"Good." The older said as he quickly went back in except this time he pushed the younger backwards onto the bed once more getting on top of him as he kissed the sweet spot once more.

Han let out another soft moan as well as reaching his hand and grabbing onto the olders hem of his shirt. He yanked at it telling the older to take it off silently.

Lee Know complied and sat up to quickly take off his shirt. He gave Han no time to check out his torso as he instantly went back in to the boy. This time going for the lips again.

Hans lips reacted as if Lee Knows were a magnet. Stuck together and never wanting to let go.

Lee Know decided he wanted more from the younger so he lowered his hips down to meet the youngers. This caused their members to rub together.

Lee Know separated their lips and looked at the younger. Han let out another moan as he felt the olders touching his. Lee Know grinned at the sight of seeing the younger moan.

Lee Know kept teasing the younger to see how far he could push him.

Eventually Han had had enough. He reached his hands onto the olders back. He looked him in the eyes and pulled him down.

"What?" Lee Know asked hoping to hear words that indicated he broke the younger.

"I need you...now." Han said as if he was out of breath.

"Are you sure?" Lee Know asked with a cocky smirk on his face.

Han nodded and said, "please...." He sounded super desperate by this point.

Lee Know was so happy he had heard the younger break into submission. He leaned down and continued to kiss Hans sweet spot. Another moan finding it's way out of the younger.

"Lee Know...." Han said breathlessly showing the older that he was extremely needy.

Lee Know started slowly kissing down Hans torso. Eventually he made it to Hans waistband on his pants. He started kissing his v-line and across the skin above his pants.

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