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Han slowly batted his eyes open. A bright light hitting his pupils causing him to shut his eyes again.

"Mom...." He mumbled hoping she was in the room.

He heard quick shuffling and then he felt someone touch his arm. "Baby? You're awake? Felix...get the doctor please." She was freaking out and Han could tell.

"Mom...." he said again to get her attention. "The light please." His voice was raspy and his throat felt dry. As soon as he saw the redness through his eye lids disappear he slowly opened his eyes again.

Once his eyes were open and adjusted to the room his first sight was his mom.

A big smile was planted on her face and tears were soaking her cheeks. "Hey..." She said in her soft mom voice.

Felix ran in with a doctor following behind him. "We should wake him up." He yelled excited.

"No. No. He needs his rest. Let him sleep." Their mom said stopping Felix and gesturing for him to quiet down.

Han ignored what they were talking about and looked at his doctor.

The doctor checked all of the basics and said, "he's looking good. Everything's working the way it should. But I want to keep him here just a little longer to make sure." The doctor said before he pulled up a chair to explain to Han what happened.

"Do you remember what happened?" The doctor ask sincerely.

Han just gave him a nod.

"Well when you hit the ground it did some serious internal damages. Broke some ribs. Fractured your skull. You have some minor internal bleeding. But most importantly you hit your head and got a pretty bad concussion.....it knocked you into a coma as well." The doctor stopped there knowing that it was too much for Han to handle.

Han looked back and forth between everyone. "How....how long was I out for?" His heart was racing and he could feel his nerves attacking him.

"A little over a month." The doctor spat out mowing no one else should have to.

Han was at a loss for words. He just stared wide eyed at the doctor in disbelief. "I-" Hans eyes started welling up. "N-" He was holding back his tears.

His anxiety took over and he met with darkness once more.

"Han? Han?!" His mom yelled scared as she lightly shook him.

"It's okay. It's just his anxiety." The doctor quickly calmed Hans mother down. "He'll wake up soon. And I also think it'll probably be best if we give him some time alone when he does wake up. He needs some time to accept things and calm down." The doctor suggested as he left the room leaving the other three in the room with Han.


Almost an hour later Han opened his eyes again. His mom was holding his hand to keep him calm while he was unconscious.

"Is it true mom?" He asked his eyes welling up once more.

His mom looked at him calmer this time. She reached her hand and placed it on his cheek. She lightly nodded and gave a small reassuring smile. "It's okay. I know it's scary but you didn't miss much." She tried calming him down.

Han heard nothing else once his mom confirmed his question. He rolled his eyes into the back of his head as he tried to hold in his tears. He released his hand from his moms hold and placed his hands on his face.

He cried into his palms. He tried to stay quiet but failed.

His mom stood up and held him in her arms to comfort him. She didn't say anything. She just let him let it all out.

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