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A few days have passed and Han is doing much better. Lee Know is Lee Know. He's healthy and energetic now.

Han is up and walking around. His wound has healed quiet a significant amount. It still hurts like crazy and he needs help from holding onto things but other then that he's holding on pretty well.

Lee Know ran out to the school to grab all of their assignments and work that they're behind on.

Han was hungry so he decided to climb out of bed. He almost made it into the kitchen when Lee Know walked in.

He turned around towards the door and saw a freaked out Lee Know rushing to drop everything in his hands to help Han sit down.

"I'm fine. You do realize that?" Han said laughing at how cute Lee Know was when he was worried.

"I know but I don't wanna risk it. And plus if I'm here to help then why not help." He said shrugging his shoulders. "What we're you trying to get." Lee Know said walking towards the kitchen.

"Just something to eat. I'm hungry." Han threw a small fit.

"Alright." Lee Know said as he started to make Han some food.


For most of the day both boys focused on getting some work done to catch up with school.

"Did the doctor say when you could go back to school?" Lee Know asked bored of sitting in the house all the time.

"Im not sure. I have a check up in a few days and I'll ask then." Han said as he sat on the ground doing his work.

Lee Know got up and walked over to the boy. He pushed Hans books and papers away from him.

"Whyyyy?!" Han threw another fit.

"Because I'm bored and I miss you." Lee Know said as he helped Han off the ground.

"Im right here. I have been for the past few days. And trust me I'm bored too." Han said hugging the older.

Lee Know placed and hand behind Hans neck causing the younger to look up at him. When Lee Know made eye contact with him he leaned forward and lightly started kissing him.

Han kissed back. Slowly but surely it started heating up.

Without meaning to Han let out a moan into Lee Knows mouth. His heart dropped because he knew that would've done it for Lee Know. So he quickly pulled away.

"Mmmm." Lee Know grumbled while trying to pull Han back in.

Han took a breath and said, "trust me...I really want to as well. But I can't. Not yet. It still hurts too much. I'm sorry." Han said referring to his surgery wound.

Lee Know stuck out his bottom lip in a pout then pulled Han in for another hug. As he held him he said, " you don't have to apologize. I'd rather you heal then get hurt." Once he finished he pushed Han away then got down on his knees.

He lifted up Hans shirt revealing his torso and his cut.

Han just watched in confusion.

"Fuck you. I dislike you." Lee Know said to Hans cut.

Han let out a laugh. "But then again I like you so please heal quickly." Lee Know kissed next to the wound before standing up.

"What was that?" Han asked still giggling.

"Hey, there's one good thing about it..." Lee Know stated then continued. "We'll almost have matching scars."

Han knew he was going to hate his scar but thinking about having one similar to Lee Know made him smile.

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