Short Sad Simple Liam

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Liam slowly opens the door and calls for you.  “ I need help with the groceries!” he calls.  No response.  He sets a grocery bag on the kitchen table, where he finds a note.  “I’m sorry Liam.  I have to go now.  I love you,” the note reads.  “(Y/N)!!!!!!!!!???????” he yells frantically and rushes into the bedroom.  He notices an empty pharmacy bottle on the floor.  Liam slowly pieces together the situation as his eyes slowly trail to your dead body, peacefully lying still on your shared bed.  His heart sinks back in his chest and the tears fall immediately.  “NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he screams and rushes to your body.  “No…wake up…this isn’t funny (Y/N)” he whispers in between sobs.  He tries to shake you awake.  He pulls you onto his lap and violently shakes your dead body, begging you to wake up.  “(Y/N)!” he yells.  Your eyes remain shut.  “(Y/N)!!!!” he continues yelling and trying to shake you awake.  He holds your body tightly in his arms.  “No…” he whimpers sobbing into your stomach.  “(Y/N)…”he mumbles into your neck.  Still sobbing, he brushes his lips against your cold cheek.  Liam presses his cheek against yours and continues sobbing.  “You didn’t have to do this (Y/N),” Liam whispers into your ear.  “You didn’t have to leave,” he mumbles.  He holds your body for hours, hysterically sobbing.  After all, you’re the only one he’s ever loved this much.  You’re the one he planned on marrying someday.  Liam’s depression eventually causes him to leave the band, and get addicted to morphine.  It’s his only way to escape his pain. 

*Its really short but really good! Made by: tomler-melicelli on Tumblr!!!*

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