Goodbye My Lullaby

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I quickly grabbed the popcorn out of the microwave and set- actually, threw it on the counter due to its temperature as shutting the microwave door with my forearm.

Today was my annual lazy day where I only watch movies while cuddled up with popcorn and tissues for the sad movies. Harry, like any other day, was at a interview where all they asked him were the same old boring questions. Sure it was fun the first couple of times, but now its just boring to watch. As I popped in one of the popcorn kernals in my mouth I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I yelled knowing exactly who it was.

Eleanor Jane Calder.

"Heeeyy Y/N!" She exclaimed bringing out hey. She was in sweats and a hoodie similar to mine while her hair was up in a ponytail.

"Hey El." I smiled up at her. She bounced onto the couch and started eating some of my popcorn. I reluctantly shoved the bowl closer so she didn't have to reach over me every five seconds.

I flipped through the channels trying to get to the old VCR mode. I have a very old TV, problem?

But when five familiar faces showed up on the screen El yelled 'STOP' before taking the remote away.

"MOOOVVVVIIIEEE!" I whined pointing to the movie I just rented for us to watch. Magic Mike. Me oh my.

"Oh shut up it'll be over in five minutes." The interviewer was talking quite pish poshy if you ask me.

"So four out of five of you have girlfriends, correct?" Oh great. They all nodded except for Niall who looked away.

"Now, Niall, this is a conversation for the big boys." Louis said laying his hand on Niall's shoulder. Niall sat on the floor, curled up into a ball, and started fake crying as the audience laughed.

"Harry," She looked at him. "You're dating Y/N, correct?"


"Is there anyone else you're seeing besides Y/N?" She leaned closer, obviously wanting to interrogate him. I psh'ed it off before Harry's hesitance spoke for itself.

"Uhm," He bit his lip before slowly nodding. I gasped and dropped the popcorn I was previously holding. Tears bremmed out of my eyes as did tears from Harry's.

"I'm so stupid." He whispered. All his bandmates who were all happy were now looking at Harry in disgust. He laid his head in his large hands and began to weep. Eleanor looked at the TV in shock as she wrapped her arm around my neck. I silently whined into her shoulder.

My phone started ringing in my pocket. Eleanor gently grabbed it and pressed answer angrily. My guess is its Harry.

"Don't call her." El spat as she rubbed circles in my back.

"El please!" He yelled on TV, in front of millions. Yeah, its definitely Harry.

"Tell Louis shes moving in with us. I never want you to talk to her again do I make myself clear?" She commanded with enough anger to break a brick wall. I slowly saw Harry nod on the screen before mumbling a "Yes mam." Before he hung up.

"Y/N, if your still watching this, then please remember, I lo-"

"Movies at my place, shall we?" El suggested as she turned off the TV. "I've got chocolate!"



sorrryyy i havent beeen  updatinnnggg

well i saw This Is The End, best movie EVER

and yeah 

but i made this onnneeeeee


i might update moooorrrreeee


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