*Hands Tissue* You Will Cry

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It was approximately 10 months ago when I realize I was stripped of the person I loved most. 

It was that exact moment when I realized it was my fault.

It was an hour later when I stripped myself of me.

I never realized how much I took life for granted when I was with him. I didn’t know how much it would affect me, and I didn’t know what it was like to be the reason of everything. 

We were getting ready for the ball, you had a beautiful nude black lace dress on that was knee length in the front and flowed down as the back. You had some killer heels on that were black to contrast your outfit. 

Liam was in a black suit and looked handsome and innocent but had to edge to him. You looked over at him while you were finishing your make up and you couldn’t help but wonder how you’d manage to snag someone like him. 

“Babe,” you wondered out loud, “do you remember the time we met?”

“Of course, it was the moment I believed in true love at first sight.”

“If we ever have kids, we’re going to tell them our story.”

“If? More like when.” Liam said with a small smile. 

*3 years ago*

You were walking down the sidewalk juggling your bag and a cup of Starbucks coffee in one hand, your shopping bags in the other along with an umbrella. It was pouring, but what were you going to expect when you moved to England. You were stumbling along when your shoe slipped. You felt 2 strong arms grab both of your elbows preventing you from falling, although you dropped your coffee and it splashed onto your legs and shoes. You slowly turned around being wary of the bags you were holding, and thanked your savior. You looked up into his deep chocolate eyes, and started to melt underneath his gaze. You were a sucker for brown eyes. 

“You okay there, love?”

God his accent drove you crazy.

“Yea, thanks.” 

“Anytime! Do you need help with those bags?”

“I do! Thank you, thank god.”

“I’m Liam by the way.”


By this time, you guys were chatting like old friends. It wasn’t long before you reached your apartment building. You reached for your bags but Liam refused.

“Don’t worry, I’ll help you bring it up.”

“Are you sure? Don’t you have anything important to do.”

“Nothing as important then helping a pretty lady.” 

You blushed at his compliment.

And that was the start of a beautiful friendship that grew into something more. And you’ve never regretted it one bit.

*Back to present day*

Once you were done, you grabbed Liam’s hand and pulled him out the door. Picking up your clutch and masquerade mask along the way out. You were so excited, you could hardly contain yourself.

Liam opened your car door, like a gentleman and closed it, then got in himself. He turned on the ignition and started to drive. It was quiet in the car, but it was a comfortable quiet. You studied his face, concentrated on the road ahead of him, you looked down to his birthmark. You were still amazed by this person next to you, wondering why he still loved you when he had his fair pick of girls all around the world. 

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