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“Harry, what is wrong with you? You have been so quiet and weird when you’re with me. I feel like you are hiding something.” You says to your boyfriend of 2 years. “Do you really wanna know it?” Harry asked in a sad voice. “Yes, Harry. You know You can tell anything to me.” You replied. Harry takes a deap breathe before he says “It have just been so hard to tell you.” A tear stream down from he’s eyes. “You will never look at me in the same way, but i want you to know that I love you so much. You are my everything.” He says. “I love you too, Hazza. What’s the problem?” You asked worried. “I’ve got Lekuemia, and the doctor says that I only have three days left to live.” More tears rolling down his face. “Babe… What Am I going to do without you??! I love you so much! If you pass away, I will take my own life. I can’t live without you.” You says. You starts to cry. Harry is comming and give you a hug. “Baby, you need to move on. You can’t do that” Harry says in a calmly voice. “You are the one i want to Marry, i want you to be the father of my children. And if you can’t that, i don’t see the reason to live.” You says. You pull away, give Harry a soft kiss on his lovley lips and go to the bed and lay down. Harry came some minutes after you.

“Lets do something funny tomorrow? What about a fun park or something?” Harry says “Sounds great” you replied in a blues voice. You fall asleep in his strong arms. It was totally unreal that he would be gone in a few days. It was just unreal. You coulden’t imagine a life without Harry. You loved him. “Is it many days till you ……?” You says. You can’t make it. You breake out in tears. “Shhhh.. Baby, i know this is very hard for you. I feel the same and want you to know i will always be here for you. I am so sorry, princess.” “But you are die in three days. You can’t be here for me when your gone!” You shout. “I will be two places” he says and points at your heart and the heaven.

Two days later:

To day is the last day of Harry’s life. You walks up the stairs in just underwear. You come to your shared bedroom and see Harry lying there naked. “Off with your clothes, princess” He says cheeky as it was just a normal day and nothing was going to happen. You take off your clothes and jumps into the bed beside Harry. He starts to stroke your body. You start to make out. *You do the other regular things, It is a little embarrasing to write that:P* 
When your done you fall asleep in each other arms. 
Next morning you wake up. You wake up Harry. But he don’t answer. You know what happened. He passed away. You hear knock on the door and Paul comes in. “He passed away, didn’t he?” Paul asks sad. You nodd. “I think we have to take him to the Funeral.” You sight and kiss him one last time on the lips. He is cold and looks so peacefull. He didn’t deserve to die! “Paul, i need some alonetime with him.” You says and cry. “Okay, then.” Paul goes out and you goes into the bathroom. You find some pills and take them. You take five, six, seven … Twenty four pills. Out of the box. You swallow them and goes to the bed where Harry lays. You starts go get dizy. The last thing you hear before everything iss black is “*YN* Please, don’t leave..”

You and Harry got buried at the same Funeral, graves next to each other and the same stone with your names on. “Harold Edward Styles born February 1st, died at November 3rd. 
*YN* Styles born *Your birthday* died at November 3rd”

You lived happy with Harry in heaven. You could see the boys lay down flowers and set fire to a candle on your graves. They we’re crying. “Shh, don’t cry. We’re alright. Love you all” Harry said and. Everyone was turning around to see you and Harry on a sky. Sitting there and wave happily.

Now you could live forever and happy with Harry in heaven. The boys came many years later. There was no more One Direction. They got dissolved that day Harry and you died. Louis took his own life some weeks later. The last One who died was Liam. He died two days after Niall and four mohts after Zayn. They all got graves beside you and Harry.

Now you we’re all happy and could be together forever and always..


 THIHS WAS MADE BY onediirectiion1derful ON DA DUCKING HOE


One Direction Sad PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora