Last Call

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(Y/N P.O.V)

*ring ring*

“Your call has been forwarded to automatic voic- “

I slam my fist on the table anger taking over. I know he is busy with tour and all but he hasn’t tried to at least make an effort to call me, not once all week !! I sigh loudly pulling at my tangled hair in frustration. I close my eyes, all the bad thoughts rushing through my head.

I shake my head knowing I can’t just give up , I had this coming he’s busy and I understand I can’t get in the way of that, I’ll just try later.

*9:00 p.m*

(Liam’s P.O.V)


“I can’t do that she is my everything” I say through gritted teeth.

“I don’t care you are losing fans… Is that what you want, think about you, think about all the fans you have lost, but most importantly think about the boys.” I squeeze my eyes shut holding back tears. My hands creating fists making knuckles turn Snow White.

“Fi- fine, for the boys” I hung up quickly taking uneven breathes.

Here goes nothing.

*end of flashback*

I pace back and forth, the phone in my hand hovering over the call button. I sigh loudly shaking my head forcefully I can’t do this.

*ring ring*

I stare at the screen my breathe hitched in the back of my throat. I do the first thing that comes to mind.


(Niall’s P.O.V)

“Niall” my head whipped around to the sound of my name. Liam is sprinting towards me, a worried expression plastered on his face.

“What’s wrong” I watch as Liam panics to spit out the words.

“It’s .. (Y/N) he mutters.

“What are you going to do” 
Liam blinks rapidly, he opens his mouth but quickly shuts it.

“I want you to answer and tell her…. It’s over” my eyes widen in surprise

“What, why are you really listening to management” I say in disbelief

“Please” he looked at the ground shuffling his feet. I nod my head taking his ringing phone, before it hangs up I answer un surly.

“Hello, (Y/N)” as I speak, Liam leans against the wall shoving his hands in his pockets.

“Niall, is that you .. Is Liam ok, is he hurt, is he ignoring me” She mumbles fastly.

“Please tell me h-” Tears spring to my eyes, I rapidly blink pushing them away.

“(Y/N), he wants to break up” I watch Liam as he looks up shaking his head disapprovingly. She gasped, whimpers vibrate through the receiver. I sniff, my eyes shoot towards Liam who is now on the ground, head in his hands, his shoulders shaking violently as he mumbles un hearable words.

“What, you- you’re kidding right” my hands tug at my hair.

“I’m sorry, it’s over” I hung up sliding Liam’s phone across the hard tile floor. He looks up eyes swollen and red.

“I- I ” before he can even get the words out a heartbreaking sob escapes his mouth, his head resting between his legs.

“It’s ok, it will get better” I mumble rubbing his back

“It will get better” I repeat trying to convince myself.

*1 month later*

(Liam’s P.OV)

It’s been a month. A whole month and I still can’t get over (Y/N). I can’t believe I actually listened to management.

I check my phone for the hundredth time today just hoping she will text/call me anything at all, even though I know it won’t happen.

(Niall’s P.O.V)

Harry steps out of the vehicle, following close behind Louis, then Zayn and Niall. Niall turns around to find Liam checking his phone, his eyes sparkling with tears, he rubs his eyes, sighing loudly. I shake my head squeezing my eyes shut.

“I’ll catch up, you guys go” I tell the boys. I open the door climbing in again, shutting the door behind.

“She isn’t going to call” I mumble. Liam’s eyes shoot up sending daggers in my direction, his head falls hanging low.

“Please leave” Liam groans, he fiddles his thumbs nervously.

“Liam- “No Niall you really don’t know how it is to lose your everything ” Liam shouts tears gliding down his rosy cheeks.

I watch as Liam’s breathe is now uneven. “I love her so much and I let her get away” I grip his shoulder trying to sooth him.

“Come on buddy, at least pretend you’re ok” I say tugging him out of the limo doors.

“Smile and wave”

(Liam’s P.O.V)

The interview was simple questions as usual simple, basic, boring.

I didn’t really listen its not that I didn’t care it’s just that I couldn’t get (Y/N) off my mind no matter how hard I tried. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a sharp pain on my ribs. I look up to find Louis smirking at me.

“Huh” I dumbly ask. Louis eyes flick from me to the interviewer. I look over to find the interviewer staring at me intently.

“Sorry, what” I mumble

“How are you and (Y/N)” the interviewer asks obviously annoyed by my ‘not caring’ attitude. I shift in my seat uncomfortably.

“I- I um” I struggle to get the words out. I look over as I feel a hand on my shoulder.

“You don’t have to say, it’s ok” Louis whispers, I shake my head letting it hang low.

“I have to tell them sometime” I mutter quietly. I lift my head up, tears forming at the brims of my eyes. I let out a sigh beginning.

“She literally meant everything to me, but I was so stupid and let the one I love get away. I felt so lucky to have such an amazing girl like her in my life, but somehow tables turned… I’m- I’m so stupid” I sniffle wiping my cheeks.

“But you have to let the one you love go sometime right?


OKKAAY BABES! This was made by 1dfromthed on tumblrrr! 

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