Don't Forget To Remember Me

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Harry does not forget things. He remembers their birthdays, their favorite colors, the vegetables they don’t like, all of their tattoos. Harry is not a forgetter. He is a rememberer.

   But for some reason, Harry was starting to forget.

 It began with small things, really. The schedule programmed into his iPhone prevented him from forgetting big meetings and concerts and everything else was brushed off.

 Forgetting to put on shoes? It’s a Harry thing, no matter. Didn’t remember the fog machine was on the stage? He’s gotten hit in the face with a blast of fog a couple of times; they just traced it back to his clumsiness.

 But then it began to become bigger things. And he couldn’t help it.

  He hears the gentle strums of the guitar as Louis finishes his solo of Little Things. Harry raises his microphone to his lips but freezes. He opens his mouth but there are no words.

 He knows the words. He knows he knows the words, he’s sung them dozens—hundreds of times. It’s his verse, he knows them! The boys all turn to look at him with confusion and amusement but for the life of him he can’t remember the words. Something about tape? Weight? No, that can’t be right.

 The guitar keeps playing and before he knows it, his solo is over and it’s back to the chorus. And he didn’t sing one word.

 “You all right there, mate?” Louis jokes into the microphone, reaching over and patting his shoulder. “You forgot a few words, there.”

 The audience laughs and Harry does, too, but he doesn’t think it’s funny. Louis sends Harry a confused look with concerned eyes but Harry shakes his head.

 No big deal, he was probably just tired.

  The second time it happened really badly was during an interview. For most of the interview, Louis and Niall had been taking the questions. Harry, like Zayn often did, had faded to the background. He didn’t feel much like talking, forgetting the Little Things lyrics was still eating away at him.

 “So, Harry,” the interviewer beams, causing the curly-haired boy to suddenly be alert. “What is the name of you and the lads’ new fragrance?”

 “It’s called…” Harry replies quickly but then suddenly his mind goes blank. What is it called? How could he forget? They just launched it last week…he chose the name for God’s sake!

 “It’s called…?” the interviewer raises a confused eyebrow but Zayn quickly cuts in.

 “It’s called Our Moment,” Zayn says softly, placing a hand on Harry’s knee and shooting him a look of slight concern.

 “Right,” Harry laughs, playing it off like nothing. “Sorry, just slipped my mind. Just a bit tired is all.”

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