Moniter Of Love

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I walked into the hospital room, it was late.

"Hey babe," I say and slide into a chair beside his bed. He was taking slow breaths, his eyes were closed but I knew he was awake. He always played jokes like that with me when he was healthy.

"Hey babe!" I repeated, I gently grabbed his tattooed arm and lightly shook him. He had a little smirk under his lip, He was a moment away from bursting. I poked him under his armpit and tickled him. He let out a laugh, and his dimples showed, his eyes opened and they were dancing with the life he once had.

"Hi beautiful, how was you're day?" He asked and looked into my eyes.

"Fine, how about you?"

He said fine, it was always fine. But really its not, Harry is not fine.

Beep Beep. There goes the heart monitor again. That always reassures me.

"You sure it was just fine?"

He set his head down and nodded, closing his eyes.

A small grin still among his lips.

"So I got some news for you.."

"Alright, go ahead and tell me babe."

"They are going to have to take that hair off of yours in order to do chemo."

His eyes almost opened, but then he realized he was finally in peace, I could see, under his eyelids his green eyes were moving in imagination, unable to stop.

"Oh well.." He mumbled and let out a deep breath. "Do you think my girls will be mad at me?"

"What girls?"

"The fans babe.."

Beep Beep.

"Doubt it, they will understand, they will love you no matter what."

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it, turning to me and letting out that cheeky grin once again.

He looked into my eyes, I could see it. It was coming.

"I love you." He said and kissed my hand that was tangled in his.

"Dont say goodbye yet, you'll be fine, dont worry about it okay?"

He nodded and leaned back once again, this time I decided not to say anything. Just watch.

His chest slowley rising and falling, him opening his mouth to let out a sigh, he still had that smirk.

He was happy.

"I love you too Harry." I choked out, I tried not to think about it. He wasnt going forever, just a while.

His chest was still going, he was picking at his IV.

"Remember the wedding?" He mumbled.

How could I forget, the wedding with only close friends on the beach, 7 years ago, that night was one of the best moments of my life, honestly.

Beep Beep.

"Of course I do."

His dimple showed through his cheek.

"Remember when Aubrey was born?"

Our daughter, again yes.

"Yep, that too hun."

He opened his eyes one last time, and stared at the tiled ceiling.

"Remember when we met?"


"Yes, when we were at that club, you spilled your drink on me, I slapped you, you asked me for a new one,"

"You hated me.." He laughed

"I did not hate you! I liked you! That night was so funny."

"I loved every minute of it. I love every minute with you, especially this one."

"Why this one babe?"

"Because we are laughing and smiling before I die, not weeping and being all sad. Like I was afraid of, now I know I can go."

No. He cant.

"Harry no, I'm not ready, dont go. Just do the chemo. It will be okay. You will be okay."

He closed his eyes.


"Babe, dont make my last minutes with the girl I love sad, okay?" He whispered,

I nodded. He couldnt see, but he knew I agreed.

"Lets just talk.." He said and grabbed my hand for the last time.

Tears were filling in my eyes now, they dropped on our hands, and he whipped it away with his thumb.

"Dont cry over little things, okay beautiful?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I know. I cry a lot.."

"You still look as pretty though,"


"Thank you.." I smiled,

"So guess what?" I said to fill the silence.

"Mmm?" He said

"So, You know how I had lost my wedding ring? Well I found it today, I'm really glad I did."

"I'm glad you did too."

"Harry, this isnt goodbye right?" I was crying now, I didnt want him to know, but I could see his smile go away.

"This is not goodbye, this is just, see you later."

I nodded,

"I love you babe."

"I love you too, to the moon and back." He rubbed my hand with his thumb.

"So, I'll see you later I guess." I said, and whipped the tears from my eyes. I wanted to see him in his last minutes.

He smiled, only a little, but enough to make me feel a tad bit better.

"See you later."

And then the heart monitor went flat.



OKIE BABESSS! That was made by guccichapel!



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