I'm Crying Don't Look At Me ~Louis~

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“Omigod (Y/N) I have the best news ever!” Louis yells storming into your flat.  He’s laughing so hard that he can barely talk.  “(Y/N)????  Where are you???” he says, giggling.  He stops laughing and gets a bit curious, he can’t seem to find you anywhere.  The only thing audible is the wind blowing through an open window, and a few cries from below.  With much curiosity, Louis walks over to the window.  His eyes widen at the sight below.  Your bloody body lays motionless on the sidewalk below, crowded with sobbing strangers.  “(Y/N)!!!!!!!!” he screams.  It’s not just any average scream.  It’s a screamed filled with recognizable, intense pain.  The sobs begin as he buries his face in his hands.  “This isn’t happening,” he mumbles to himself, wresting his elbows on the windowsill.  His tears violently flow down his face, like a river.  Pain builds inside of his stomach as he reminisces his love for you.  You, his only true love, are gone from his life forever.  He realizes that.  He’ll never get to see your beautiful smile, your curly hair.  He’ll never get to kiss those soft lips he adores so much.  His sobs grow louder as he falls to the ground in pain.  “(Y/N) come back” he mumbles, laying in the fetal position.  With much purpose, he crawls into the bathroom and grabs a razor from the bathroom counter.  A million thoughts run through his head as he props himself up against the cold bathroom wall.  He sighs.  “I’m coming (Y/N)” he whispers before forcefully sliding the razor blade across his most distinct vain.  He screams from the pain, unsure of what to expect.  The cut bleeds almost immediately, forming beads of dark red blood along the wound.  He does this a few times on each wrist before placing the razor on the tiled floor.  His wrists are now a canvas of dark red blood.  Everything seems to fade away as he begins to loose consciousness.  “(Y/N),” he whispers before falling to the floor, dead.

*Are you crying yet? Yupp. Anyways the girl who wrote the last one wrote this one also and probably the next few okie bYYEEE!*

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