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As I climb into my car, my face still burns with tears, and my body is still fiercely shaking from sobbing so hard. I turn in the engine, place my hands in the steering wheel, clenching and unclenching my knuckles. This is going to be hard.. I start to drive away from the hospital without looking back, there’s nothing left except a lifeless body in a dark room. I close my eyes and insee your face, your piercing blue robes, that are now shut forever..

*i see your face in my mind as i drive away.*

No one thought this would happen, no one imagined you would be the first to go.

*None of us thought it would ever end that way.*

This would be different if you decided to leave, but you didn’t want to go, you weren’t ready yet. This was a complete accident, it wasn’t supposed to happen, and it’s killing me that your gone if I could change the past if that day, I’m sure I would.

*People are people and sometimes we change our minds, but it’s killing me to see you go after all this time.*

I turn on the radio to try and drown out my thoughts, but every sing I hear reminds me of you Niall. It makes me feel like I’m in a movie, like anytime now someone is going to yell “CUT!” and you will still be here.

*Music starts playing like the end of a sad movie, it’s the kind of ending you don’t really wanna see, cause it’s tragedy and it will only bring you down.*

We were in the car together, driving home from our date. I was looking out the window, and you were singing to me, the song in the radio, Highway Don’t Care.
“Highway won’t hold you tonight,
Highway don’t know you’re alive,
Highway don’t care if you’re all alone,
But I do, I do!
Highway won’t dry your tears,
The highway don’t need you here,
Highway don’t care if you’re coming home,
But I do, I do..”
I turned and looked at you, smiling. You looked at me, smiling back, still humming the song. Then there was a bright light, crashing noise, and then complete blackness.. And you were gone. 
I push the memory out of my mind. I don’t know what I’m going to do..

*Now I don’t know what to be without you around.*

I pull over to the side of the road, the memories are too distracting to drive. So I call Harry, he introduced me to you, he sounded like he’s been crying too. 
“Hey Harry..”
“Hey (y/n), you okay?” 
“No Harry I’m not, I tried to drive home, but the memories are just too distracting..” 
“Where are you love? I’ll be right there to pick you up.”
I tell Harry where I am, then hang up. And sure enough I see Harry pull up in his car. I get out of my car and climb into his, 
“Hey..” and then we both cry. Harry pulls me into a tight hug, and we cry together. All to soon Harry pulls away and drives away. As much as I love Harry, he doesn’t see this from my point of view. There’s no one that understands..

*And we know it’s never simple, never easy, never a clean break there’s no one here to save me.*

As we walk into Harry’s flat, I find it hard to breathe. I remember the first time I saw you, it was in this exact room. You were sitting in the couch when I walked in, I took one look at you and fell in love, and you did too. After that we were inseparable, between going to football games and concerts, we fell in love, our beautiful story was made. But our beautiful story ended in a matter if seconds.

*And I can’t breathe without you, but I have to. Breathe.*

I’ve never wanted to see you hurt, you never hurt anyone, and you didn’t deserve this. You thought everyone was beautiful, but no one was as beautiful as you. You always tried to avoid hurting people, because you knew how it felt.. The constant hate everyday. You were one of the strongest people I knew. Niall, I remember walking into our flat to see you one time. I was so excited to see you.
I walk in the door “Niall!?” no answer, “Niall, are you here.?” Still no answer. I walk upstairs and see you asleep on our bed. I smile and think “awe he’s asleep..” I look closer at you, your eyes were red and puffy, you had been crying. Sure enough I look down and see your laptop is sitting there, Twitter open, you had been reading hate. I kissed your forehead and whispered “I love you Niall.” 

*Never wanted this, never wanna see you hurt, every litte bump in the road I try to swerve.*

Niall, after the car accident, everything went down hill. Harry started drinking heavily, he isn’t the same, he’s always drunk and his beautiful eyes are now bloodshot. Zayn doesn’t talk to anyone, not even Perrie, they’ve broken up, he just sits in his flat doing who knows what. Louis and Eleanor are still together, but Louis isn’t near as happy as he used to be. Liam is border line abusive, he and Danielle aren’t together anymore, no one has heard from her in weeks. I blame myself for everything, if we hadn’t gone on that date, this wouldn’t have happened.. Everything is different. Now you see that you did belong in this band, look they fell apart without you..

*People are people and sometimes it doesn’t work out, nothing we say is gonna save us from the fallout.*

It’s never easy to move on, especially when I can’t breathe whenever I think about us. But the thing about this is, is there is no one around to save me from getting hurt again, you were my everything and now you’re gone..

*And we know it’s never simple never easy, never a clean break, there’s no one here to save me.*

Now that I don’t have you, and all the boys have gone completely down the drain, I really have no one.. I miss you so much, but you’re not coming back no matter how much I try.. I decide to visit you today.. It’s cold and dark outside, but I miss you more than ever. I walk up the road, and down the dusty path. I stop next to you and sit down.. Tears are streaming down my face, as I look at you, so cold and lonely, just like today’s weather. And I sing the sing you sang to me so long ago, on the night you died.
“Highway won’t hold you tonight,
Highway don’t know you’re alive,
Highway don’t care if you’re all alone
But I do, I do!
Highway won’t dry your tears, 
The highway don’t need you here,
Highway don’t care if you’re coming home,
But I do, I do!”
I stop singing, and look at you, you’re sitting perfectly still. Then the sky opens up with a drenching down pour of rain. I stand up, already drenched in rain, I kiss your cold face, and walk away from the tombstone, tears mixing with the rain, still softly humming the tune.



PShhhh i always start with that 

how about 





I cant call you mah hoes bc that title belongs to tumblr

in which this SAD (I hope idk) pref was wrote onnn

Byyyyyyy every-soul-is-a-star


weeellll sorry i originally was going to update at like noon but now its like 10 but we had a tornado here because like i like in oklahoma (like the hashtag #PrayForMoore is for Oklahoma) and yeah 

yehaw oklahoman

anyywaayyyyssss someone kik'd me who is now meh directioner buddie;) Maddie like comment so I can follow chu

I might have already but idk


well if I can find more imagines then I will updattee

but Maddie I'll Kik you tomorrow k? :)



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