Heaven On Earth

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Have you ever thought about waking up day by day with out the love of your life? waking up feeling an empty space next to you in bed. Waking up with out the warmth from the love he gives to you? crazy isn’t it? this is not some sort of dream tho, but why do i feel like it is? because right now, staring at his face makes me forget about my illness. seeing his face light up everytime he looks at me makes me forget that my life is bound to be downed. Laying beside me, Perfect curls, Pouty lips, snoring lightly. he’s my everything. I can’t imagine life with out him. but sadly he has to move on to his. I know soon i will be gone. i haven’t told anyone yet. you see i was diagnosed with cancer the day Harry and I started dating a few years ago. i never got the chance to tell him. maybe i was scared. that if he found out he would leave me. i don’t want him to feel sympathy for me. that’s the last thing i want from him. i just want to be happy. cuddled up into his arms, his warmth giving me warmth, how his fingertips find my hips, and how it relaxes me. what i feel from him right now is more than Happiness. all of his love. that is all enough. my thoughts was broke by his raspy 3:00 am voice “good morning to you too love” i giggled lighty at his remark. “well good morning my prince” it got silent and i asked “Haz? do you ever think about waking with out me by your side? and how it would feel like?” “no. no. i would never ever love. i can’t even bare think of it.” Harry said. “but what if one day something bad happens to me. like what if i get choked by a banana and died” i said and fake a pout. He shook his head and lightly chuckled to himself. “in that case, i will hide all the bananas in the world. away from you” again i said. “but what if i get into an accident and die?” Harry simply stated “then i guess from now on we’re stuck unto eachother” i sighed “no, i mean what if something unpridictable happens and-” Harry again said “i wont let anything happen to you. i’ll always be by your side. no matter what happens. you know why? because i love you [y/n]. i loved you then and i love you now. i’ll love you tomorrow and to infity it goes. I’m truly. madly. deeply. in love with you. from the littlest things, to the tips of your tippy toes” i sighed contently and said “Haz, there’s one more thing.. but don’t be sad or mad. promise??” Harry nodded his head “i promise” and i said. “Haz…. i. have. cancer” his breathing dropped, uneasy and ragged. he stared at me completely clueless of what to do. then a tear slipped down his cheek. he hugged me tight, so tight that you can feel every ounce he’s feeling at the moment. he kissed the top of my head and said. “i’m right here. i love you [y/n], we can get through this.” i sighed again but this time it was assurance. “i love you too Haz” then I kissed his Cheek. i was dozing off but i swear i heard Harry said “no matter what happens… No matter where…. i’ll be there… i wont be mad.. i wont be sad… instead… i’ll be by your side, i love you [y/n]”


Mkay we can be Louis together ya know because the "AWH HARREH!" and stuff. This was made by iloveyouandyoubutdefinitelyyou on tumblrrrr

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