Slow Dancing In A Burning Room

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I remember the feeling, I remember the time, I remember the sound, I remember everything, the day you gave me those papers, I remember everything.

I never knew things were going bad till you said something, then things got worse every time I tried to fix them. I was too clingy, I backed off, I was too distant, I was too lovey, I toned it down, I acted like a different person. I did it all for you, I wanted you to be happy. And now as I see you sitting with her I realize I did.

The light in your eyes was the same way with her, as it was with me, and I wished it still mattered. But it doesn’t. The only thing that matters is that it’s her that you will hold in your arms. It’s her that I will constantly hear about whenever you drop the kids off. It’s her; she’s the one that ruined everything. I hated her, but I wanted to be her.

I wanted you to say those three words that used to come so easy. I want you to sing softly in my ear when I got mad. I want to be able to watch you raise our children, instead of just hearing about all the fun things you do with them.

I remember everything I did the day you told me that things needed to change. I did the laundry, I went to the grocery store, and I picked Cori up from dance and Nathan up from baseball. I cooked chicken and potatoes that night. You came home and put a smile on for the kids, and then when they went to bed, you told me you weren’t happy, and you wanted things to change fast.

I remember the sound of the knife hitting the cutting board as I chopped up the celery. I was making chicken noodle soup, you favorite, for dinner. You put the papers on the table, and I didn’t read them until you had already packed a bag.

You didn’t look sad; there was a certain kind of calm over your face. You told me you were staying with a friend, but I knew you were staying with her. I knew you had been cheating on me, I had known since the week after you told me you weren’t happy. You never were very quiet with phone calls. I remember trying to cry as quietly as I could as you told her how much you loved her. As you told her the things you had to force yourself to say to me. I stayed silent until I heard you leave for work. I can still feel the pain in my chest. It felt like someone had twisted my heart, but left it, they didn’t have the decency to kill me; they left me with a broken heart.

I hated you. For the longest time, I pretended that everything was okay; I pretended that you were still god in my eyes. I pretended that I was the same person, but you changed me.

I never told anyone, I never even told you I knew. I let everything go. What good would it do? You were still leaving me, you weren’t coming back.

I remember the sound of your knuckles against the door as you knocked, when the woman you had sneaking around me for, started sneaking around you.

I remember the cracks in your voice as you begged to come back, that you were wrong and that you loved me. I remember the sound of the door slamming shut as I closed it behind you. I let you back in. I loved you.

I remember the feeling I got when I woke up the next morning with you in the same bed again. I never felt so used. I hated myself for letting you back in. But I loved you.

I remember the pain as the scars were reopened, when you left again.

“Things didn’t change.” Was all you said leaving before the kids woke up.

They were so happy to finally have daddy back again. To finally have mommy be happy. Then you left and everything we back to the way it was. To the way it always will be.

I loved you so much. No matter how much you hurt me, I love you. I loved the you that held me on our wedding day. I loved the you that kissed me when I told you I was pregnant. I loved the you that held my hand when I was in labor.

I hated the you that left me, with a gentle kiss and a thank you for your heart.

You were the writer of the Chronicles of Us, and you ended it suddenly and abruptly. I didn’t know….. don’t know how to be the writer of the chronicles of me.

I hope the chronicles of you have a happy ending.


I dont know if this one is sad either im just kind of doing a ya know it sounds sad its good enough for me




ifjweihnfoiendionsdklnsdion wsd fuck you intalics

im spelling that so wrong but idc


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