New York

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I stared at the screen for what seemed like forever, scrolling through tons of heart- twisting photos. I slammed the laptop, throwing it to the side. I see the way he looks at her, everyone else can see it too, he still loves her. I grab the ends of my sweatshirt wiping my swollen eyes. I fling off the bed, grabbing a pen and a piece of paper.

Dear Liam,

I see the way you look at her, everyone sees it. I’m sorry I couldn’t win your heart over, but you sure an hell stole mine. I’m sorry we have to end this way but i just can’t stand to see that i’m not the one who makes you happy, i see that she makes you happier then I can, and I thank her for taking such good care for you.

Please just remember that, I love you even if you don’t feel the same. I love you Liam thank you for giving me the best 8 months of my life im truley thankful for everything you have done it means alot.

Love, (Y/N) Xxx

I grab my belongings and head towards the door. I turn around taking a mental photo seeing as this is the last time I will be here. I choke back tears, making my way out of his flat. I slam the door finally breaking Down, tears make there way down my flushed cheeks. I grip the note clenching it in my hand as I re-read it over and over again, tears smearing the words around. I take one last look at it before hanging it on his door. Before I can change my mind, I run outside, the cold London air making contact with my wet face. I grab my keys unlocking the car as fast as possible, Liam should be home in a couple of hours from the airport and I couldn’t bare to see him anytime soon. I start the car making the engine come to life before finally driving off to my flat leaving for good. ~~~~~~~ *knock knock* I walk up my eyes crusty and dry from crying so much. I look at the clock wondering why someone would be here so late. I get up pulling my sweatshirt down. I look through the peephole to find Liam standing there, his head to the floor and big white roses in his hand. “(Y\N), Please I know you are here just let me explain that’s all I want, and if you still don’t believe me ill leave” Liam’s hushed voice croaks. I shake my head knowing I can’t let him come in. “Liam, just leave it isn’t worth it” I say sliding down the wooden door. “No, I’m not leaving until you let me explain even if it takes all night” I bring my knees up to my chest knowing this is going to be a long night. I set my head in my knees hoping he will just leave. “I’m done Liam, We’re done” I choke out. “No- please” I hear a muffled sob from the other side of the door. I get up looking through the peephole once again. There sits Liam with his back to the door as his shoulder shake violently. I slide back down just hoping he’ll give up leave. I wake up light shingling through the slit of the curtains. I rub my eyes with the palms of hands trying to rub the tired out of them. I stand up opening the door a sliver, to find Liam standing there flowers in both of his hands, his eyes pleading for me to let him explain. I grab the knob ready to shut the door again but was abruptly interrupted by his foot caught in the door. ( His P.O.V) Before she can shut the door on me I push my foot into the crack of the door stoping it from shutting. I drop the roses and push the door open all the way to reveal the familiar scent of her flat. I look around to find her backed up against the wall. I slam the door taking big strides over to her grabbing her wrists making sure she won’t leave. “LIAM , LET GO OF ME, DON’T TOUCH ME” it was horrific I couldn’t understand why she was so upset. “Why are you so upset, and most importantly why won’t you just let me explain” My hand remained gripped on her wrists, refusing to let go. ” YOU DON’T LOVE ME AND I DON’T WANNA JUST BE THERE BECAUSE YOU NEED TO FORGOT ABOUT A BAD BREAKUP I SEE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT HER AND IM HAPPY FOR YOU OK?? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR” She yells tears rapidly pouring down her rosy cheeks as she tries to free her wrists. “IM SORRY YOU FEEL THAT WAY” I say tears making there way down my cheeks now. “Leave” she whispers, pushing me lightly. I shake my head not giving up on us. ” I love you ok, I may have never told you but I love you, you are my love, my heart , my everything (Y/N). Me and Danielle are NOTHING were friends WHY CAN’T YOU GET THAT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING HEAD I LOVE YOU GODDAMMIT.” I yell throwing my hands up in defense. I spoke my mind. I finally embraced her into a tightly and closely as possible. “L-Liam I-I’m so sorr-” she sobs not finishing her her sentence. She firmly clenches the fabric of my shirt just above my torso. I exhale, running my fingers through her hair. “Love, it’s ok” I say rubbing circles on her back. “No, no it’s not I overreacted” she mumbles into my chest. “Stop, it’s not your fault I should have told you what I was doing instead of going behind your back, honestly I’m sorry” my lip couldn’t stop from trembling. The imagine of her crying was like a stab to the heart. It was unbearable to see the one you truly deeply love unhappy, especially unhappy because of you. I buried my face in the crook of her neck, shutting my eyes “I’m sorry” ……….



this one was ALSO made by 1dfromthed JWDKLENDON AMAZING EH? 


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