flowers // dulbee

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I hate the flowers.

Everything about them reminds me of the one I loved, and the one I lost.

The flowers reminded me of the way she would squeal and point as spring began, showing me every sign of sprouting nature. Her brown eyes would light up with excitement and she would squeeze me in a hug, so glad the coldness of winter was long gone.

Then, I would bring her to a picnic in the park, and we would count every flower we saw. She would go into detail of their beauty, and I would nod my head mumbling words of agreement. The flowers weren't half as beautiful as the girl beside me, altho she would deny it.

Every spring we did the same picnic. I would bring the same blue blanket, and she brought the same wooden basket filled with food.

At the end, I would pick her favorite flower and gently place it in her hair, whispering, "a beautiful flower, for a beautiful girl".

But, two years ago on the first day of spring, I went to our usual spot. I placed down the blue blanket, that was now worn out and teared, and I waited. I waited an hour, and she didn't come. I waited two hours, she didn't come. After three hours, I began to worry and I had quickly scrambled to her little apartment, fear washing over me.

What if she was hurt? What if something happened?

My thoughts were just a jumbled mess as I opened the surprisingly unlocked door, and saw something I will never forget.

My Bee, was pinned against the wall, eating Jordan's face off.

She had just turned to me in surprise, and began to yell that it wasn't what it looked like. Obviously, it was. There's was nothing else it could be. She was kissing him back.

I just ran out, my tears blurring my vision. I loved her, and I though she loved me. I thought we had been happy together.

It's been five years. Bee never came after me, and I never went after her.

Every night, I fall asleep the blue blanket cuddled in my arms and breathed in the scent of my beautiful flower, that's no longer mine.



Welcome to my new one shot book! I've always wanted to do one shots, so now I am.

( no duh captain obvious wtf )

And because recently I've been in love with DulBee, it's the first one woo.

I'm probably gonna do a lot of Parkbomb because OTPPP

If you have any suggestions for the next one shot, be sure to comment :D

Hope you enjoyed!


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