wasp p2 // bell

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"Bye Jordan!" I yelled as I closed his front door behind me. I could barely hear him yell goodbye back as I started to walk down the dark road.

The whole time I was at my best friend's house I couldn't get that Australian girl out of my mind. Her sly smirk and daring green eyes, her image was the only thing I could think about.

The silence of my walk back home had a dreading feeling clinging to it and the only light was from the practically broken lamppost. I felt as if I was being watch, and I couldn't help but hope that I was being watched by Bee.

I began to hear the quiet tap of footsteps and I twirled around, a hopefully smile that it was the Australian girl on my fave.

The smile immediately disappeared when I was greeted by a male who was glaring daggers at me. His hands were balled into fist and he was dressed in completely black, a hood covering most of his golden brown hair.

I stood frozen, unsure of what to do. He smirked seeing my hopeless expression and grabbed me, covering my mouth with a black cloth. As soon as the cloth hit my mouth I begun to breathe in a strange chemical like smell, and I felt my mind go fuzzy.

"Good night, cutie." Disgust was clear in his Australian accent as he spoke the word 'cutie'. My eyes slowly began to close, and I felt everything go black.


I groaned in pain as my eyes opened and I looked around the dark area, unsure of what was happening.

My hands were tied with rope along with my feet, and the only light in the room was a flickering bulb across the room.

I begun to remember what happened and I furrowed my eyebrows. An Australian boy had kidnapped me on way back from Jordan's house, calling me cutie before doing so.

Bee! She had always called me cutie, and she was Australian, too. The thought of Bee being kidnapped as well began to float around my mind and I tried to look around for the brown haired girl.

I couldn't find a trace of her and smiled to myself. As long as she was fine, I was happy. I closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep in my uncomfortable position.

Sleep didn't come easy, though. On the outside I probably looked as if I was in a peaceful slumber, my eyes closed and head rested awkwardly on my shoulder - but I wasn't. I was still awake, struggling to rest.

"Get up if you wanna live, cutie." The familiar Australian voice filled my ears and I felt her gloved hands gently tap my shoulder.

My eyes opened immediately opened and I looked at Bee excitedly. "Bee!" I squeaked.

She giggled, shaking her head and pulling me up. Her hand reached into her leather jacket pocket and she pulled out a pocket knife, easily cutting the ropes.

"Let's get out of here." She mumbled pulling me towards the back of the room. I stumbled after her, confused on where she was going. Her footsteps stopped in front of a underground passage way that she skillfully slid down.

I more slowly followed after and closed the hatch after me. Once we both started walking I looked towards the girl beside me.

"Who is that boy?" I asked, breaking the silence. Bee dryly laughed and ran a hand through her hair.

"My best friend, Mitchell Straub. We came to America together a few years ago. When we started this whole thing he worked on the background technical stuff." As she told her story her figures intertwined with mine and she gently swung our arms back and forth. "I never noticed till recently but he had a huge crush on me. When he found out about you he got jealous I guess."

I scoffed and looked at the cracked ceiling. "Why would he be jealous of me?"

Bee smiled and looked down at the floor. "Because I like you William Kiing." I felt my face heat up and I tightened my grip on her hand.

"I like you, too..." I mumbled back. I couldn't return the part of saying her full name due to the fact I had no clue what it was.

"My real name is Bianca Bumble," She laughed, seeing the awkward pause in my sentence. "The reason Mitchell and I started this whole thing was because we needed money. When I captured someone we'd take their money and things, then kick them out. The only reason we hurt someone was the cloth or occasion kick."

I hummed, telling her I had listened. "Why did you capture people and not him?"

Bee looked at the floor once again, her expression full of disappointment and annoyance. "Because apparently I'm," She put air quotes around her words, probably quoting Mitchell, "'Sexy and hot.'"

I stopped walking, angered that Mitchell would use her in such away. "Bee I'm not going to lie, you're beautiful. But that's not why I like you. I like you because you're you." Her expression softened and tears started to form in the corner of her eyes.

"No one has ever said something like that to me," She stammered, "Thank you." Her arms flung around me and she buried her head into my chest.

"It's the truth." I whispered into her hair. Bee slowly looked up, and her emerald eyes met my brown ones.

"I love you." She pressed her lips to mine and I kissed back, sparks filling my body.

"I love you, too, Wasp."



idk should i do part 3???

sorry mitchell is bad guy luv u strubber

this one was much lamer then the first oops sorry for disappointing you alL

o k b y e


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