important; please read!!

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Start writing your story

hey guys!!

to be completely honest i don't know exactly what to say, so i'll start by saying this:

i'm sorry. i'm so incredibly sorry. i literally just disappeared without a single word, and i feel awful. there were a few times i attempted to write a quick update, let you know i'd be back soon, but i never could. each time i'd become anxious and sidetracked. by the time i'd come back to it, everything would be just so different, and my previous words had never seemed sufficient.

right off the bat i think it's important for me to dwell on a certain simple, although very complex, fact; i've changed. a lot. i'm not the same person i was when i wrote these books, my writing, interests, and personality has changed over time, which is natural of course. this change was inevitable, and would've came with or without my hiatus. although if i had remained active it would've been much more gradual and easy for you all, so i apologize for that manner.

i'll attempt to give you all a summary of who i am now and how i vary from the person i used to be. one of the most important factors is the fact that i do not like the cube. at all. quite honestly i haven't even opened one of their videos in about a year. nor do i follow any of them on any platform of social media. the only "interaction" i've had with any of them is when i quickly browsed bee's channel (without watching any content) a few months ago and the quick google search of liam just a few minutes ago when i heard from a comment on a one shot that him and his girlfriend had broken up. please keep in mind this is not sealing all of my unfinished stories. i could certainly continue my work on them, after all they're stories and would probably still be rather enjoyable to write. one shots are a different topic though, not sure i'd be able to keep these up.

can i even remember the names of half the ships ?? i DoNt KnOw


who am i now! this is very important (i think? i hope?)

i'm still interesting in phan, although i am behind on their videos. i could definitely see myself pursuing blue eyes, if it's in any of your interest. i also still like twenty one pilots, their music is good, ty and josh are great. however, their lack of new content and some of the fandom (same of which applies to phan, actually) tends to frustrate and cause a lack of flaring interest. i'll still enjoy their songs when they come on shuffle, though. my love for harry potter also remains. how could it not?

my new interests though!! what am i currently obsessing over???

primarily broadway!! yes i know this may be strange to some of you but i LOVE it. it started when i got into hamilton. (speaking of which, i went to see it on valentine's day, it was incredible!!) some of the other shows i love are dear evan hansen, heathers, waitress, wicked, falsettos, charlie and the chocolate factory, the book of mormon, something rotten, and legally blonde. obviously i love and appreciate others, such as newsies and matilda, but those are my "mains". my current profile picture is actually a very popular, and talented, broadway actor christian borle. i love him.

as i type i'm listening to a playlist called "feelings", which is a compilation of the soft emotional songs from different musicals. i totally did not almost cry when what would i do from falsettos came on. (that's a lie)

i also love glee!! it's such a good show. klaine is so cute def my fav ships. the office, jane the virgin, 13 reasons why, riverdale, and friends are also great shows that i love.

if any of you like or have heard of any of these tell me!!

moving on, i think it's important to note i'm in a much better place than i used to be. for the most part, i'm pretty happy. i have my ups and downs, and often times days are ridiculed with anxiety, but i'm happy. my priorities right now are family and friends. school will soon be added unto that list. i'm fairly busy, and i'm proud to say i ~kinda~ have a life?

so what does this mean for my writing? i don't exactly know. but i'm going to have to disappoint you all with one fact; it's not going to be the same. i don't think i'll ever be as active or invested. it's just not who i am. of course, my passion and love for writing remains. and i appreciate and love all of you so! much! i just don't think i could do it. 

however, i want to know what you guys want. i noticed my story outcast got some attention while i was gone and some of you are requesting i continue it. i don't think i'd mind finishing it, actually; i'm rather interested in it myself. do you guys want me to work on it some more? how badly do you want me to continue these one shots? 

please just leave me any kind of feedback. anything. please!!!

once again, i thank you all for the constant support and love. it means a lot to me. you all are truly the best. i'm sorry.


(btw my new twitter is @fairlyso you can follow me if you'd like)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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