guardian angel // kiani

842 50 21

{ tw // s**cide }

Jordan was a guardian angel.

And for his first mission, he was sent down to protect a young boy named William Kiing, who preferred to be called Will. Will was depressed, and often wished of throwing his life away, but Jordan always stopped him.

Being an angel Jordan can't show himself. He must stay in secret, not allowing anyone to know of his existence. And that pained Jordan. He had adapted feelings for the lonely boy, and wanted nothing more then to reach out and pull him into his arms.

To save Will's life, Jordan had to send him thoughts of reassurance. He would think nice things about Will, and Jordan had a lot of nice things to say about him, sending them to his mind.

It always worked. Jordan wasn't sure why or how, but it did. It didn't stop Will from cutting, starving, or hating himself. But it did stop him from commuting suicide.

Jordan hoped for the day Will was destined to die, they could be together in the after life, happily looking after all of the other children. But then he realized, that would be in much to far away, and Jordan probably would have retired from angel duties by then.

Jordan had been depressed, just like Will, and ended up killing him self with overdose. The poor boy had been abused, beat, and yelled at by his parents, and he knew how it felt to be unwanted. How it felt to want nothing more then death to wash apon you. To wish your eyes would slowly close and the world would fade from your finger tips.

When he did die, though, he realized he didn't want to die. He wanted to live his life, get married, have kids. But his life ended. Just as he wished for every night before falling asleep.

Now Jordan was determined Will wouldn't make the same mistake as him. He didn't want Will to regret ending his life like Jordan did. He wanted to see Will happy, get married, and have kids. Just as he wanted.

Flying down to Earth, Jordan watched Will do his usual. Pull out his razor, slice his wrist until he bled, and then pull out the rope. The rope that caused Jordan to shiver and cringe. The rope that could possibly kill Will.

Will hung the rope and pulled a chair underneath it, allowing him to have easy access to his killing weapon. Jordan sighed and shook his head, before sending the usual thoughts.




Will just shook his head and laughed dryly. "Today's the day, I finally end this pain."


People care.

People need you.

I care.

I need you.

Jordan didn't even notice the thoughts he began to send desperate to stop him.

"I can finally end the pain." Will whispered putting the rope around his neck.

The angel began to scream no, and tired to pull the rope away, but it just slipped right through him.

Stop, please.

I love you.

"I'm going crazy." Will mumbled before kicking the chair away from him. The chair which kept him breathing.

Tears began to flow from Jordan's eyes and he watched Will struggle for air. He kept his hands by his side, resisting the urge to pull the rope from his throat, and allow him to breath once more.

Using the last of his strength, Will managed to let out a simple whimper. "Goodbye."

Will's eyes slowly fluttered shut, and he stopped squirming around. He stopped moving. He stopped breathing. He stopped living.

And his guardian angel watched the lifeless body dangle, tears spilling onto the bloody carpet.

"As your angel, I failed to protect you. I failed to guide you. I failed to love you. I'm sorry, Will. I'm so sorry."


so idk this was original gonna be jordan was half angel but this happened

should I make a part two on what happens once will dies and goes to the afterlife?

this is sad I think

i always get sad one shot ideas i'm sorRY


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