guardian angel p2 // kiani

740 45 36

{ tw // death }

Will groggily opened his eyes and he groaned. His hand gripped onto a soft flooring, surprising him.

I thought I died. He thought, looking around. This was defiantly not the place he had last been. Large marble buildings towered over him, and the ground was fluffy, almost like a cloud. The most strange detail, was the people. The people weren't just people, they were flying, and had large angel like wings sprouting from their backs.

"What the hell?" Will screamed, drawing attention from the people above.

Standing up, the confused boy ran over to a small river that led off of a cliff. As he drew nearer, he noticed it wasn't falling off a cliff, it was falling off a cloud, and disappeared half way down.

He peered into the water and shrieked in surprise. He had wings. Just like all of the others. His hands gripped his curly hair and he mumbled curse words of confusion under his breath.

"Do you need help?" A shy, deep voice spoke from behind him and he twirled around to see a boy. He looked around Will's age, wore a snap back, had shaggy brown hair, and a tattoo sleeve down his arm. And his eyes were a captivating green, that were hard not to stare at and got lost in, especially for Will.

"I..." Will couldn't find the words to say and shook his head. "Where am I?"

The boy chuckled sadly and looked down. "You're in the afterlife. Heaven."

"So... Your- I'm, an angel?" He bit his lip, still confused. His parents told him there was no heaven he'd go to, only hell.

"Yep. My names Jordan." Jordan stuck out his hand and Will hesitantly shook it back.

The angel began to ramble on about all of the facts and things about this afterlife, and Will started to find his voice strangely familiar.

"And this is the-" Will cut him off, not taking his eyes of the shorter boy.

"Do I know you?"

Jordan's eyes widened and he began to stutter. "Well- I mean... Why?"

"Your voice is so familiar..."

Grabbing Will's hand, Jordan began to walk towards a bench. Their feet made small prints into the clouds, but it would quickly vanish.

They both sat, Will's hand still in Jordan's. "I was your guardian angel. On your first attempt to kill yourself, I was sent to stop you. All of those positive thoughts that made you put down the pills, rope, or razor- they were me."

"I wasn't going crazy." Will mumbled to quiet for him to hear.

Jordan continued, sadness creeping into his voice, and he looked down. "And I failed to stop you last night. I'm so sorry." Tears began to prick at the guardian angels eyes, and Will threw his arms around him.

"I feared I would end up regretting my decision, like in the books and stories. But I didn't. Because of you."

He placed a gentle kiss or Jordan's cheek and rested his head on the sobbing boy's shoulder. "You didn't fail. You made my life worth living, Jordan. Because of you I saw happiness in my darkest days. I love you."


so yeah im like cryING

a lot of you wanted part 2, so here you go part 2 !!


i love you guYS


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