the girl she loved // dulbee

493 30 4

Maddie was in love.

She was in love with the girl with long ombré hair.

She was in love with the girl with sparkling green eyes.

She was in love with the girl's adorable laugh.

She was in love with the girl's accent that made everything sound ten times cuter.

And she was in love with everything else about this perfect girl.

But this girl was in love with someone else.

And watching them together would smash Maddie's heart to the point where her blue eyes would no longer be blue, they'd be a dull grey that carried only sadness and pain.

Seeing them kiss, cuddle, and whisper I love yous, it hurt Maddie. It hurt because she wanted to be the one to kiss, cuddle, and whisper I love yous.

But she wasn't and she couldn't be.

Because the girl she loved was in love, but it wasn't with her.

idk this sucks not sure what i'm doing

it's really short but it's something.


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