change // kiani

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Jordan and Will ran around the school playground together their giggles and squeals filling the area. The two eight year olds were in the middle of what they called an intense game of tag, Will stumbling after the shorter boy.

Unfortunately for Jordan, his green and brown sweater was insanely large on him and it dragged behind him as he ran, giving Will an advantage. The Brit smiled at the thought of his success, and lunged forwards grabbing the sleeve. Jordan squealed and feel backwards, landing on top of his friend. They both exploded into laughter once again, drawing the attention of all the other kids. They didn't really care who was judging them, though. It didn't matter to them.

Jordan rolled off Will and stared up at the white clouds slowly passing by. "We're going to be best friends forever, right Will?"

Will nodded and turned his head so his eyes met the boy beside him. "Of course we are. No matter what happens, we'll always be best friends."


"Will, do you think she's hot?" Jordan asked, pointing his finger in the direction of a girl sitting not to far from them.

He shrugged and turned back to his friend. "Bee? She's okay I guess." They were only twelve and Jordan was already obsessed with girls - for their looks. Will on the other hand found that horrific and strange at their age. Plus, he didn't seem to find any girl appealing.

Jordan scoffed and leaned back and forth a bit. "She's pretty hot, you know. Everyone says so." Will rolled his eyes and placed his elbows on the table. This happened practically everyday at lunch, Jordan was obsessed. It wasn't even like Jordan had a chance, the browned haired girl was in a relationship with another boy named Mitchell. Will didn't agree at all with dating at his age. He even denied a few girls who asked him out, telling them maybe when they're older.

"Do you wanna come over and play Minecraft?" Will asked, hoping to change the conversation. Jordan nodded and gave his friend a smile.

"Of course I do!" He laughed. Will had actually been afraid he'd deny. Jordan had recently been more concerned on how others saw him and being 'cool' enough for the grade. It was certain he had changed a lot from their younger age, but Will knew he'd never leave his side. Never.


The TV lit up with the screen of Minecraft as Will and Jordan messed around on the game they still loved to play four years later.

"You should try playing CS:GO or GTA sometime." Jordan offered, killing a few mobs. The British boy gave a brief nod and went back to playing the game, not so hyped for the idea. He didn't want for anything to change on their usual Friday afternoon. They'd meet up after school, lay on the grass of their elementary school playground, and then go to Will's to play Minecraft. It's what they always did and Will wanted it to stay that way.

"I wanted to ask you something else, too," Jordan began slowly, pausing the game, "What would you think if I got a tattoo when I turn sixteen?" Will didn't know what to answer the strange question. Of course he wouldn't care, it was Jordan's decision to do what he wanted with his body, but he was afraid of what would lead to after that.

When Jordan did one thing it usual resulted to another similar and Will feared what he'd start after getting a tattoo.

"If that's what you want, do it. I won't stop you." He gave a weak smile and Jordan let out a sigh of relief.

The shorter boy laid down on the soft bed he was sitting on and smiled. "I knew I could count on you."


Will sat at the elementary school impatiently sitting on the old swing set. Jordan was supposed to be here an hour ago.

Sighing, the eighteen year old boy shook his head. Compared to two years ago, Jordan was practically a whole new person. Now he always hanged out with a boy named Ryan who was covered in tattoos and smoked, sometimes even drank. Will knew he was starting to pass on these habits to his friend, and it scared him, He didn't want Jordan to change. He wanted him to stay that sweet, innocent, adorable boy he met ten years ago.

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