shut up and dance // straubee

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My gaze traveled to the beautiful girl standing alone in the middle of the dance floor, swaying ever so gently.

The high school prom so far was terrible, my own date didn't even want to hang out with me. But I knew why. Because I refused to dance.

I let out a deep sigh and slowly walked towards my date, hoping to convince her to do something else.

"Hey Bee," She gave me a shy smile in return and I gently took her hand. "Want to find something to do?"

Her brown eyes met mine and she shook her head. "Mitchell, I want to dance." She pulled her hand away from mine and she walked towards the crowd of students, leaving me alone once again.

I knew I was screwing up the whole thing by refusing to do the one thing that made her happy, but I was a terrible dancer. I would end up making a complete fool of my self.

I sat down on the bleachers and continued to watch Bee gently twirl and sway, all alone. Watching her made me realize that I need to make this night one she can remember. A night that when she thinks about allows a smile to form on her lips. I don't want her to think of this night as the one when her date wouldn't even dance. Standing up, I ran down from the bleachers and grabbed her arm.

"Bee, I'm so sorry I should've danced with you-"

Her face lit up and she grabbed both my hands, her face close to mine. "Shut up and dance with me."


I like this

even though it's really short oOPS

I already said this in like all my stories but during the parkbomb stream they read chapter 1 of dear liam and I won funny joke contesT STILL SHAKING

so yeah

if you don't know the song 'shut up and dance' by walk the moon you should check it out its v good



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