the rose // devondoestomahawk

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At the edge of a town in the year three thousand, stands a rose forest that is known to be endless. Every rose was identical, just like the people had come to be.

Everyone was the same. Only a few features that couldn't be changed weren't identical. Hair color, eye color, height, weight. If the government could, though, they would change them all.

The rose forest was strange. No one knew why it was even still there. Parents called it dangerous, kids called it annoying. They all were trying their best to destroy the one last form of true nature they had left.

"Julio, common!" Just like everyday, a young boy named Julio went with his friends to destroy the beautiful flowers. Most of them didn't know what they were doing, they were just caught up in the excitement of change.

Nodding his head, Julio got onto his bike and pedaled along side his friends. As soon as they reached their destination, the teenagers began to kick, smash, brake, and tear apart the roses that all looked the same.

As Julio was about to stomp down on a rose a sparkle in the field caught his eye and he stopped. In the middle of the identical roses was a another rose, that didn't look the same. This rose was taller, and had small leafy branches poking out. The petals on top were opened much more, and added some kind of foreign beauty to it.

No one else seemed to notice, and pretty soon they finished their work for the day. Not even waiting for Julio, his so called friends ran off back to town, while Julio stayed put.

It seemed as though the rose was calling him, pulling him in closer. He hesitantly inched closer until he found himself right in front of the flower. Bending down to pick it he heard a voice scream.

"Please no!" A boy with jet black hair and a beard ran out from the opposite side of the forest, his leather jacket flapping out in the wind.

Julio was mystified. He had never seen such apparel or style of hair. Plus, he was far to young to be allowed to have a beard. Standing straight, Julio tried to look of a higher level importance.

"Who are you?" He asked, his deep voice shaking.

The mysterious boy just smiled and put out his hand. "I'm Devon."

Twisting his face, Julio slowly grabbed his hand, unsure of what to do. Devon finished the motion and Julio just stared at his hand confused.

Groaning, Devon leaned his head back. "They even banned handshakes?"

Julio just blinked, and the black haired boy shrugged. "Anyways, don't pick this rose."

Julio's mischievous side came back, and he bent down to touch one of the petals. "Why?" He asked with a smirk.

Bitting his lip, Devon pushed away Julio's hand. "That rose holds all of the diversity this world once had. Once it's picked, it will all be released and I..." His voice trailed off, and Julio tilted his head in confusion.

"What is diversity like?" He asked curiously, completely avoiding Devon's loss of words.

Devon began to share stories and tales of the past, when people fell in love, had their own style, drove cars, picked their job. Excitement filled Julio as he listened, and he suddenly had such a longing for this different. Reaching his hand towards the holder of different, he looked up at Devon his eyes filled with longing.

"Let me release it. Please." Devon opened his mouth to protest, but there was a certain look in Julio's green eyes that Devon just couldn't resist, and he began to easily fall in love with.

"Fine." Devon gave Julio a weak smile as the boy bent down and yanked the rose from its roots, causing a burst of colors to appear for a moment.

Just as the colors came, Devon slowly began to disappear and Julio's eyes widened. "Wait Devon! What's happening?" The wind speed was picking up, and the ground felt as if it was shaking.

"I was created to guard the secrets of the rose, Julio. Once they are to be released, so must I." Tears filled Julio's sight and he began to yell, grabbing Devon's now ghostly hand.

"Please don't leave me! Devon no!" Giving Julio one last smile, Devon disappeared out of thin air, leaving Julio alone in identical rose forest, that now wasn't so identical.



it's also over 700 words, my longest one shot yet woop !!

i really liked this and i'm thinking of either, a) making into full book or b) making a prologue almost like on how and why devon was created

tell me if you want either idk probably option b since i have like a lot of books and i don't know how i would continue this.


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