outcast p2 // kiani/parkbomb

603 40 31


I entered the math room seeing Miss. Davidson had begun her obnoxious lessons before the second bell had even rang. Rolling my eyes, I took my seat besides a quiet girl named Maddie, and began to doodle in my notebook.

Math always seemed to go on forever unlike the other periods which were a breeze. But finally the bell rang and I sprung up from my seat before waving goodbye to Maddie. Rushing out of the class I looked around for Liam hoping to walk with him to science. Liam always waited for me when it came for science. The second bell could've rang five minutes ago and he'd still wait.

I peeked down an empty hallway and my eyes widened. The shorter boy was pinned against the wall by Parker who was obviously teasing him. Parker wasn't actually kissing him or anything, but his hand was under Liam's chin and he was mumbling words I couldn't hear. I sucked in a deep breath and turned around walking to the science room.

I entered just before the second bell, escaping Mrs. Cohen's detention. As soon as I sat down thought, Cohen announced a seat change, her eyes scanning the room. She called out my name, then told me to switch with some boy named Joe because he was talking to much to the curly haired boy beside him.

I shrugged not really caring and picked up my stuff to move. I didn't have any friends in this class anyways. Once I sat down I looked at the table behind me and I bit my lip. Right behind me was Will. I knew he had this class with me and so did Parker, but he still wasn't here.

Just as I thought that Parker strolled in, grabbing a detention pass and sitting right besides Will. Curing under my breath I turned back towards the board where the equation for velocity was being wrote. As long as I ignored their existence I should be fine.

Scribbling unto a sheet of paper I tried to take as many notes as possible so I could study later on tonight. With the school year coming to a close decently soon, Cohen warned us that this coming up test would determine our grades hugely.

The whispers of the two boys behind me caused me to lose focus and I eventually found myself listening to their every word.

"It's great," Parker quietly laughed, "He thinks I actually like him. As if."

The British boy joined in with his quiet laughter. "Keep leading him on, then straight up tell him he's a loser. You'll destroy him."

I stopped listening there, unable to bear the thought of them doing such a thing to my best friend. I was going to have to tell him, weather he would believe me or not.


At the end of the day I met up with Liam to walk to the buses. His expression was filled with happiness and excitement, which rarely ever happened.

"Can I come over?" He asked, brushing his brown hair from his face. I nodded, feeling awkward on the whole thing from science. How was I going to brake it to him that the boy he was helplessly in love with was just playing with him?

We walked to the back of the school where I hid my skateboard and I jumped on. I went at a slow pace, allowing Liam to still comfortably walk beside me.

The walk to my house was unusually silent, and together we entered my house getting a greeting from my mom cooking in the kitchen.

I yelled something back before going upstairs to my room, Liam trailing behind. I closed the door once we entered, taking a seat on my bed.

"Jordan, I think Parker likes me." He breathed as soon as the door was closed. I was at a loss for words. It was either I told him the horrible truth so Parker doesn't break his heart, or allow him to enjoy the moment while he can.

I sadly shook my head, hoping to avoid what happened in science, "He's just playing with your emotions."

My friend titled his head and crossed his arms, "He was acting like he really cared, Jordan. First straight out flirting with me, then helping me in English, and then he picked up my books." There was so much hope in his voice it was breaking my heart to see him so desperately trying to believe Parker truly cared for him, "And you know he only does that for the girls he likes."

I sighed knowing I had to tell him exactly what I heard. He probably wouldn't believe me, knowing how stubborn he could get.

"During science I heard Parker talking to Will, he's just messing with you, Li. They were laughing their heads off thinking about how broken you'd be and I don't want to see you hurt." His expression darkened a bit and he looked down.

"Oh," He whispered sadly, sitting on the opposite side of my bed. "I can still hope you know."

I moved next to him and put my arm around him. No matter what the boy beside me was going to continue falling in love with Parker, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I had to admit, I had my own feelings for the British boy Will. It was hard not to, though. His sparkling brown eyes and messy chocolate hair. Adorable British accent and the way he always hides half his face in awkward situations. Only difference was unlike Liam I understood there was no chance of him actually liking me, so I shoved away those feelings and acted like he meant nothing to me, when really he was my whole world.


this is probably my longest one shot ever it's 900 words wO

and this will have a part 3 yippeee!!

would this be a good full fanfic idk what do you guys think

i actually really like this ngl


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