friend // kiani

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{ tw // death }

Late at night, a thirty year old man walked along the hallways of the hospital, looking for his girlfriend. She had been in a minor car crash, and was staying for a few days in the hospital. Recently they had moved her room, and whether he would admit it or not he was confused.

Looking for the spot he remembered his girlfriend's new room to be, the brown haired man shrugged. He had thought her room was in this hallway? Or was it upstairs?

Taking a deep breath he continued to walk forward until he bumped into a figure, and let out a yelp of surprise. Standing in front of him dressed in all white was a doctor he didn't recognize. His lips were parted together, but his eyes carried looks of worry.

"I'm sorry, but he's dying." And continued to run down the hall, and turned into a dark room. The man frowned sadly and slowly walked after the doctor, only to be stopped by a feminine voice.

"Jordan! Are you here to visit your girlfriend? She's upstairs you know." The man tensed up, and turned around to face a familiar nurse.

"Oh, yes I will be. I just need to, uh, get something." Avoiding the nurse anymore, he quickly walked back toward the room the doctor from before had walked into. The room seemed empty, not even the doctor was there anymore.

Slowly walking in, Jordan looked around. Once stepping in, he could just make out a small figure laying on the bed. His breathing was rather heavy and it did seem as if he was slowly dying.

"Why are you here?" He asked in a weak, quiet, British accent. "I thought you didn't care."

Shifting uncomfortably, Jordan looked around. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about." The man slowly sat up and Jordan froze.

He had no hair, but his eyes were a beautiful shade of brown that Jordan instantly became attracted too. His face was hollow and pale and their were large bags under his eyes. Jordan continued to stare, and realized in his mind how beautiful he was. His pale skin, bagged eyes, and balding hair, all added beauty to him.

"Who are you?" He asked, eyes wide.

"Jordan Troyer." He mumbled, finally looking away from him. "And you are?"

"Will Kiing." Now Will was staring at Jordan, looking at some trace of annoyance or disgust in his features. "Why are you here?" He asked once again, but this time he sounded more confused then annoyed.

"I got lost and heard the doctor say someone was dying before coming into your room, and I wanted to-" Jordan paused. What did he want to do? "I don't know what I wanted to do."

Will chuckled dryly and laid back down. "Yes. I'm dying. I should be dead in a matter of minutes. And I'm glad." Frowning, Jordan grabbed a chair and put it next to the bed before sitting down.

"Glad?" Jordan asked.

Will nodded and continued. "My family doesn't care, I'm a disgrace to them. Along with the fact I have no friends. What's the point? I'm going to die like this anyways. Whether or not the doctor tries to save me. I told him not to."

Jordan stayed silent for a moment before taking Will's frail hand and smiling. "I'm your friend."

Will's expression softened and he smiled. "Well, goodbye friend." Closing his eyes, Will's heavy breathing stopped and a loud beep filled Jordan's eyes.

Clutching Will's hand Jordan shook his head. No. He can't be. He was alive a second ago. He can't be gone. There's so much for us to learn about each other, so much for us to do together.

Doctors ran in and looked down in defeat. "He's happier now. He truly is." Said a young female doctor, who was tearing up.

Jordan continued to hold Will's limp hand and started to quietly cry. He was so attached to a man he meet thirty minutes ago, and he didn't know why.

The doctors ushered Jordan out of the room and went back in. Falling against the wall, Jordan continued to cry. His cries were louder and more depressed now, although he was doing all he could to keep them quiet.

He finally stopped and wiped his now read eyes. Slowly walking towards the elevator, Jordan could've sworn he heard a British voice whisper into his ear, "I'm sorry friend."



this is sad SORRY

how are you all good i hope

i'm working on a harry potter story with my friend meg and once the first chapter is uploaded i'll tell you all about it :D

i have another harry potter story idea that meg also gave me which i'll probably work on by myself.

so yeah

i may be going on vacation again since my mom and dad both get their own vacations but i think i'll have more time to write during this one.

i hope you all have a good day <3


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