best friends // straubee

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Bee and Mitchell were best friends, probably with the strongest bond in their entire school. The two fourteen year olds were almost always by each others side supporting and helping one another. They didn't have and didn't need anyone else, they were happy with just the two of them.

Other kids thought they were weird, never bothering to socialize or interact with anyone but themselves. But they didn't care. The words kids said didn't matter when they were together. In fact nothing mattered. They could be dieing for all they cared but if they were at each others side, it was fine with them.

At the age of fourteen is when kids start to change, and Mitchell was going through the changes. He suddenly felt attracted to Bee in a way he had never felt before and it was scaring him. How was he supposed to tell the girl he had spent his whole life with he liked her, and not just ask a friend?

Bee noticed the changes, too. He sometimes would stare at the ombré haired girl, almost in a daze of some sort. He even began to distance himself from her, making the excuse of his parents needing him or having plans that night, when she knew he didn't.

Mitchell wasn't completely lying, though. He'd met a British boy online who called himself Kiingtong, or as his real name was, Will. Once he was positively sure the things he felt towards Bee were true, he nervously called his online friend. Will would understand, he felt the same things to a boy in his class, Jordan.

"Hey dude," A British accent greeted him as soon as the call started. Mitchell nervously mumbled hello in return and Will automatically knew something was up with the usually cheery boy. "Are you okay?"

Taking in a deep breath, the Aussie let out everything he'd been feeling. From noticing Bee's incredible beauty, to her adorable personality. He couldn't get the sweet girl out of his head.

Will smiled as he heard each word from his friend. Now would be the perfect moment to tell him his own good news and he'd be able to help him get the girl of his dreams. Once he finished speaking, Will began to talk himself. "First off, as you know I felt the same thing for my own best friend, Jordan. Well, we're dating now after I admitted my feelings to him." Mitchell nodded, signaling for him to go on. His friend paused, his face somewhat confused showing he was deciding on what to say next.

Mitchell didn't exactly get where Will was going with his whole 'speech'. Yes, it was great that they managed to get together, but how did it affect him?

The Brit finally gathered his thoughts and began to talk again, "Just tell her your feelings. You'll be fine," He gave Mitchell a sympathetic smile, "Plus, you two will always be best friends, no matter what happens." Mitchell finally understand and nodded his head in understanding.

"Okay," He let out a deep breath, "I've gotta go." Will nodded and gave Mitchell a wink.

"Go get her, tiger." He laughed before ending the call. Mitchell tried laugh at his friend's joke, but found himself unable to due to the bubbling feeling in his chest. All the worrying boy could think about were the possibilities of Bee's answers. This was either going to go extremely well, or extremely terrible and there was nothing he could do about it.

Getting out his phone Mitchell dialed Bee's number, his hands trembling. Sweat formed in his grip, causing the phone to slip around in his hands. He didn't know why he was getting so nervous, he was just calling her to ask to meet him at the park.

She finally answered, her voice as cheery as ever. "Hello Mitchell!" Bee jumped on her bed, thankful the person she cared about most was talking to her again. When Mitchell begun to ignore Bee it pained her, and hearing his voice was the one thing she needed.

"H-hey Bee," He began, stuttering at every word, "D-do you w-wanna meet me a-at the park-k?" There was a moment of silence before she excitedly answered yes and hung up. It felt like a small weight was lifted off his chest, but he still had the factor of admitting his feelings.

Quickly getting ready, Mitchell rushed out of his house to the same park he and Bee took walks in all the time and stood under the usual tree. Bee approached him about a minute later, looking beautiful as always and a small smile on her lips.

"Hello, Mitchell." He greeted her in return and let out a deep breath. His stomach began to hurt, but not in the usual way. A more "fuck I'm screwed" kind of way. That feeling when everything is just a blur and you can't seem to even breathe and you know you're just gonna mess up everything. It was hard for Mitchell to even describe this pain himself. "Why did you call me here?" She asked, cutting off the awkward silence between them.

"O-oh!" He realized what he had done and began to worry more, his breathing becoming even heavier. "Well I just wanted to tell you..." Mitchell squeezed his eyes shut and opened them, then taking Bee's hand in his, "Bee I love you. And it's more then a best friend. Ever since last month I've been feeling so different around you and I can't ignore it. You're beautiful, smart, pretty, funny. Hell, your perfect." Each word he spoke caused Bee to tear up more and more, her eyes becoming glossy. "And if you don't feel the same way I understand, we can remain friends. I'd probably get over it, or at least I hope-"

He began to ramble and he was cut off  by a pair of soft lips connecting to his. He immediately kissed back, pulling the petite girl closer to him as she wrapped her arms around her neck.

"I would love to be more then best friends, Mitchell." She breathed out leaning her forehead against his. A smile spread across the now relaxed boys face and he looked to the side for a moment.

He could just see a relatively short boy with soft brown hair anxiously talking to a taller brown haired boy, fiddling with his fingers and his eyes filled with fear. Once he stopped his rambling the taller boy laughed and pulled the shorter into a passionate kiss, both of them seeming to be filled with happiness.

"More then best friends." Mitchell whispered a smile on his face.



see i managed to fit in all your otps; straubee, kiani, AND parkbomb be proud of me!!1!1!1!1!

sorry this is so late it took me quite awhile but yeah uerhdhdh

love you daughter

okay yeah that's it i'm also working on a kiani one shot that should be done who the heck knows when k bye


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