ignored // straubee

330 16 13

{ tw // mentions of feeling suffocation }

"Don't ignore me, Mitchell!" Bee screamed, her voice cracking.

The Australian girl had stood up, her hands curled into fist. She couldn't take it anymore. For a whole week her roommate had ignored her, pretending as if she didn't even exist, and she had finally had enough.

"Do you understand what I've been going through? Every night I sit and cry, trying to figure out what the hell I did but I can't." Tears began to stream down her pale cheeks. "I don't know what I did. And I want to fix it. Please, Mitchell, just stop ignoring me."

Her roommate didn't answer, he stood frozen in the hallway his back facing the sobbing girl. In his hand he held a plate carrying what was supposed to be his dinner.

"Look at me!" She screamed. "Look at me, answer me, talk to me, help me!" Bee's voice filled with desperation and anger. She just wanted her best friend back. She just wanted to be happy again.

Suddenly, Bee collapsed to the floor, screaming as she clutched her head. She could barely hear anything but her shrieks of pain. Her head was pounding and it felt as if two massive hands were wrapped around her neck, slowly suffocating her. The room seemed to be spinning round and round, adding a dull ringing to the screams.

Blackness over came Bee's foggy vision and she tried to gasp for air but she couldn't. All she could do was continue to scream the same ear piercing shriek.

Then, the screams became quieter and the ringing slowly faded away. Everything seemed to become darker and darker, until her whole vision was taken over by nothing but the never ending darkness.


"I'm s-sorry, I'm sorr-y, I'm so sorry." The words coming from the shaking boy's mouth finally made sense to Bee as her green eyes slowly opened. She was laying on the ground, her arms and legs sprawled out in all directions. Mitchell was kneeling beside her, a yellow mug in his hands. In the hallway was a plate shattered on the floor, glass and food everywhere.

"Bee! Y-you're okay! Be-e, I'm so sor-ry," The words sputtered out of his mouth and he sat Bee up, leaning her against the wall. "H-ere." Mitchell placed a warm mug into Bee's tiny hands that was filled with a milk brown liquid.

"D-drink. M-maybe you'll feel bet-ter." Bee obeyed, and lifted the cup to her mouth and slowly drank warmth filling her shivering body. Her skin slowly regained color and Mitchell let out a tiny sigh of relief. "I know you l-love hot c-chocolate. I hoped it would help a bit."

Bee looked at the floor, not answering. She didn't understand what had happened or why Mitchell had been ignoring her and she wanted answers to both.

Mitchell seemed to read her mind and he sighed. "I love you, Bee. And not like a friend." Bee's eyes widened and she began to start even more intensely at the tiled floor. "Once I found out I did everything I could to avoid you. I was afraid. Afraid I would hurt you, afraid you wouldn't feel the same, afraid of you."

Not moving her gaze, Bee opened her mouth to argue. Somehow she wanted to show her point they ignoring her would not have helped at all-but make it worst.

"And I know it was a stupid move. How would ignoring you help? I don't know. I was confused and at the time seemed like my only option." Bee still didn't answer. She didn't know what to answer. Her best friend had pretended she didn't exist because he was in love with her.

Bee finally spoke, her own voice now shaky. "What had happened to me?" It took Mitchell a moment to answer.

"I'm not sure. It was strange, really. You began to scream, a loud ear piercing shriek, and then fell to the floor clutching your head like it was about to explode. Your breathing became raspy and weird and your eyes seemed unfocused and glossy. It was like a demon had entered your body or something." It was obvious he had no idea what had really happened, he was just describing the strange show she had put on in result.


Mitchell inched closer to Bee and cleared his throat. "We can talk to a doctor if you'd like-"

Looking up, Bee shook her head no. "I want to talk to you."

Pulling the boy beside her into a hug, she began to softly cry into Mitchell's chest, thankful for the company of her best friend.



but hey

sorry i haven't uploaded in a week or two i'm terrible SORRY

this is weird i got part of the idea from harry potter when voldemort spoke and the girl began to scream clutching her head idk

ignoring people is NOT cool especially when you don't tell them why JUST DONT

i'm on a plane right now on my way to a island i'm so excited :D it's technically my first time on a commercial plane since the last time i did it was when i was three going to disney.

it's pretty cool and the view is amazing. i just hate when your ears pop it is SO ANNOYING

but yeah, i'll try to update whenever i can AND THE PLANE JUST SHOOK IM GOING TO DIE

i lived

love you guys and i hope you all have a great day/night! <3


[ ps: i am no longer on a plane! it's the next day when i'm publishing this xD ]

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