school // grapeberryjam/tofuudiger

417 17 12

dedicated to my children rosie and kaley you two fought for nothing HAH i'm a great mom

Joe sat at the old playground, slowly swinging back and forth, awaiting the arrival of his friends.

The days of summer were coming to an end alarmingly fast and Joe didn't like it at all. He enjoyed being able to spend time with his friends and not around the annoying, stressful, hallways of the school. The summer was one time he was able to relax and have fun, but it never lasted long enough.

The chocolate haired boy looked around and stopped swinging. The old playground had been a place him and his friends and once hung out for hours over the weekends, or for the short thirty minutes they had recess during the weekdays.

But they no longer had recess or time to hang out on the weekends, unless of course it was the wonderful season of summer.

The creaking of the rusty swing sets snapped Joe out of his thoughts and he turned his head to see his friend Mitchell had joined him, a smile on his face.

Mitchell already looked different from when Joe had last seen him two weeks ago. His brown hair was ruffled and messy and there were large bags under his eyes. Even his expression carried the feeling of stress and pain.

"Are you alright?" Joe asked, breaking the strange silence between the two.

Mitchell gave a brief nod. "School preparation. It's already stressing me out." He ran a hand through his hair and leaned back a bit. "Where are the others?"

"They should've been here when you arrived." Joe mumbled. He looked at the dead grass below his feet and sighed.

The two continued to swing in mostly silence. They only exchanged a few words here and there about the recent weather or what the other had been up to for the last few weeks before summer came to it's dreaded end.

Finally, Zack and Sean approached in the distance and Joe smiled. As much as he cared for the other two, Zack was his best friend and he had longed to see his curly haired companion the most.

Joe jumped off his swing while Mitchell more slowly came to a stop and carefully stepped off.

Giving a small smile, Zack went to the stop of the playground and sat down in the small area right before the slide started. The rest followed, sitting down just as he was.

"So," Zack began, looking around. "School pretty soon." Zack had always hated school, and him and Joe loved to enthuse about their shared hatred quite often.

"I've already bought all of my supplies... I'm just worried I didn't get enough folders..." Sean added nervously. He was always more serious and into school than the rest, and they often teased him about it. Of course he didn't enjoy it, but he always tried his hardest and was often devastated whenever his grades turned out to be less then an A.

Mitchell lightly laughed and placed an around around his best friend. "Don't worry, Sean, you'll be fine." Mitchell didn't really care about school. Unlike Sean, he didn't really care about academics and didn't see them affecting his future. He would rather use his creativity and humor then facts and knowledge, and prided himself on it.

The three carried on their conversation, making small jokes here and there and talking about their recent plans. No one really noticed how Joe sat quietly, zoned out staring into nothing.

"Everything feels so different." He finally burst out as he begun to get a headache. Joe hated school just as much a Zack, and it had started his weird problem of thinking too much. It would start with a simple thought of how much he loathed a class or teacher, and would spread far beyond just school. It confused himself and sometimes his friends.

"What do you mean?" Zack asked, looking at Joe confused.

"I don't know-we're all just different. Our interest, appearances, personalities, it's starting to scare me. I don't want us to change. I want us to stay the same group of friends we've always been," His voice became quiet and he looked down. "I care about you guys. A lot. I honestly don't know what I'd do without all of you and I don't want to know."

Silence followed his strange outburst and Zack moved closer to Joe. "Don't worry, Joe. Even if we do change we'll always be here for you. Because you mean a lot to us too, and we need you as much as you need us."

Mitchell and Sean nodded in agreement. Sean looked towards Mitchell and chuckled. The Australian's curly hair had fallen in front one his eyes, blocking his vision.

"Here," Sean mumbled reaching his hand up and pushing aside his hair. Once he had finished his eye's meet Mitchell's and he froze, as if locked in his gaze.

The two didn't move for a bit, until Sean jumped back causing their hands to brush. Sean held back a yell of confusion and moved away from Mitchell, keeping his brown eyes glued to the ground.

During their strange experience, Zack had pulled Joe into a hug, allowing Joe to gently rest his head on Zack's shoulder. It was strangely comforting to the both of them. They stayed in each other's embrace until Mitchell awkwardly cleared his throat and they reluctantly pulled apart.

"So..." Sean awkwardly said, looking at Mitchell from the corner of his eye.

Joe stood up and gave a small smile. "See you guys in a week."

Zack stood as well and sarcastically laughed. "At the lovely place called school."

The other two stood as well and the playground filled with silence, until Zack and Sean slowly left.

Joe returned to his swing, follow by Mitchell. After a few minutes, his friend left without another word and Joe was left alone once again.

The air suddenly grew colder and the teenager looked up at the sky and sadly smiled. Shoving his hands into his pockets, Joe began to walk back to his house, saying his final goodbyes to summer.


hello what even is this i'm kinda confused uh

did you like it i hope so


but yeah i kinda like this

that is all i hope you're having a nice day or night

love ya


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