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Camilo held my hand as we ran away from the chaos that I left behind, following Isabella through the side streets of town once we reached the village, Dolores and Mirabel trailing behind us. Isabella led us out into the fields where farmers planted their crops and pulled us into one of the maintenance sheds.

"Quickly, before someone sees us," she hissed at us.

"Um, should we be going into a wooden shed right now, considering the ... circumstances?" Dolores squeaked, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Just get in here," Isabella said, grabbing her arm. Once inside the room, she gestured at us to sit on the work benches. I quickly sat, barely daring to look anyone in the eye. I pulled away from Camilo's hand, remembering with terror what could happen if he was holding my hand. I moved down the bench, away from him. He looked at me, confused, and then slid closer to me again. 

"What are you doing?" he asked, when I did it again.

"Get back!" I said. "Didn't you see what I just did!? I could kill you!"

"Calm down, calm down!" Mirabel said, frantically modelling deep breaths.

"You two. Talk. Now," Isabella demanded again, staring and Mirabel and me.

Mirabel and I looked at each other. We had agreed before returning into town that if our gifts had been revealed, we would tell the first part of the story, about how we heard of the gifts and why we wanted them and what we did to get them - but not the second part about needing the candle light for Gabriella, Amalia and Javier. Mirabel took a deep breath and told Isabella everything - the book she had found, Javier and his rock of gold, why she wanted a gift, why I did...

"You saw what her father did to her," Mirabel said. "She needed to be able to protect herself. And I just wanted to finally feel like ... part of the family," she finished sadly.

It was silent for a moment, and then when no one said anything, Mirabel continued, describing the journey, getting found and guided by Javier, the spell and the powers, and about our lack of ability to control them. She left out the part about being able to fix the problem by stealing the candle and went silent again, looking between Isabella and Dolores and Camilo apprehensively. 

"So, you get mad, and you can torture people with your mind and you can set people on fire?" Isabella said slowly. "You can't control it?"

"Um, not just yet," Mirabel said miserably. "But we'll learn!"

"You'll learn," Isabella repeated, staring. Silence. "Can you just for one second, think about everything you have told me, and give me one good reason why you would do something so INSANE?" We all jumped when she yelled the last word, and she didn't wait for an answer, just started pacing the room and running her fingers through her hair.

Camilo was quiet beside me. I wished he would say something. How could so much have happened about me that he didn't know about in such a short period of time? It killed me to not be telling him the whole truth - but we couldn't tell the others the horrible thing we had to do. To steal from his own family to help the power-hungry trio who were camped just in the outskirts of the forest, waiting for us to return? With a sad realization, I knew that I wasn't any better than them. Hadn't I gone looking for a gift I didn't deserve? What have I done? The image of my father, burned, injured, screaming in pain returned to my mind and I clamped my eyes shut, pushing my hands into them and breathing deeply to calm down as the panic rose in my chest at what I had done.

The Heart of Camilo (A Camilo Madrigal x Reader Fem Y/N Story)Where stories live. Discover now