The Loot House

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"What's the matter guys? Looks like you seen a ghost or something." The Apple Guy said. I was back at the Apple Stand with Subaru. "What?" Subaru asked. "I think what he is asking is if we are gonna buy an apple." I tell him. "Oh no we are just looking is all." Subaru said. "Wait weren't we just here?" I asked. Subaru shrugged his shoulders and we walked away. 

"What's going on here? It was nighttime just a few minutes ago." Subaru said looking at his bag. We both looked at our stomachs where we had been stabbed. "The wound is gone." I said to him. "Oh shoot Satella! Puck asked us to protect her, and we blew it. We gotta get back to that shop." Subaru said and started to run there. "Hey wait up man." I said following him. 

We ran into an alleyway for a shortcut but were stopped from the three thugs from before. "What got you all spooked up about?" Thug 1 said. "If you don't want to get hurt then cough up everything you got." Thug 2 said. "You guys again?" Me and Subaru said. "Trying to get revenge from last time huh?" Subaru said. "Huh what are you on about? Did you hit your head or something?" Thug 1 asked. "Whatever it'll be alright just cough up what you got." Thug 3 said to us. "Alright fine. Here is everything I got." Subaru said and dropped his bag. "Now get down on all fours and cry for help." Thug 1 ordered. "Don't get cocky you bastard." Subaru said and quickly punched Thug 2 and kicked Thug 1 to the wall. Thug 3 tried to hit him but I stopped it and kicked Thug 3 in the balls. "Now don't bother us again will ya!" I tell them. Me and Subaru quickly ran out of the alleyway. 

We were now in the Slums running to the Loot House. "This should be it." I said as we stopped in front of it. We stood there not knowing what to do and was hoping the other person would open it. "Fine I got it." I said and started to knock on the door. "Hello, is anyone in there?" I asked knocking more. Subaru started to knock on the door too. "Look I know someone is in there so just open it up and show yourselves." Subaru yelled. Suddenly the door opened up and a giant was there. "Shut up and stop banging on the door. It'll would've been easier if you used the password instead of breaking down the door." The Giant said. 'I would guess this is Old Man Rom.' I think to myself. Subaru looked shocked when he saw him. 

We were now sitting at the bar and I was looking around all over the place. I didn't hear what Subaru and the Old Man were talking about because I was looking at the place that I thought I died in. I even saw the sword that was hanging on the wall from before. "You didn't die recently, have you?" Subaru asked sounding dumb. "That's a rude question man." I said to him. "What? No. I know I am knocking on heavens door but I ain't dead yet." The Old Man replied drinking more beer. "Okay, well have you seen someone with long silver hair?" Subaru asked him. "Long silver hair? No I haven't seen anyone like that." The Old Man said. 'Did we imagine it all? It is far fetched that we both had the same dream.' I thought to myself. 

"So do you mind telling me what're you even doing here in the first place?" The Old Man asked and started drinking. "Oh we are looking for an Insignia. It belonged to that silver haired girl." I answered. "Huh? No I don't have anything like that around." He told us. "C'mon think long and hard about it. Maybe you are getting old." Subaru said. "I am at my best when I am drinking. If I don't remember it now I don't have it. On the other hand I do have someone coming in later bringing in some goods." He said. "Is this person named Felt by any chance?" I ask. "Well look at you two, both know it all's. Yes she will be coming in later." He replied. 

"If you want to get this Insignia back, money talks and bs walks." The Old Man said. "Well you're out of luck, because I am broke beyond repair." Subaru told him. "Well it is no use coming in here then." He said. "Hold it we didn't say anything about trading. Behold!" Subaru exclaimed pulling out Potato Chips from his bag. 'I feel like this is a bad idea.' I say to myself. "This here is a bag of Potato Chips." Subaru presented it and the Old Man grabbed it. He opened it and chips flew across the countertop. Then the Old Man grabbed a handful and started eating. "Mhm, these are really good. It'll go well with my booze." He said. "That's right it'll- Wait don't start eating them!" Subaru exclaimed. "Let it be Subaru. Let the man try some sweet chips before he dies." I tell him. 

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