The one behind the chains

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Subaru screamed when he woke up. Which honestly woke me up getting me back to reality that I had just died and reset. Then Subaru tossed and turned hitting my face in the process. "AH! Dude." I said holding my nose. He calmed down some and we looked at Rem and Ram who were close to each other looking scared as hell at the two of us. "Oh, good morning." I tell them. They didn't respond still in shock and fear of what happened. "Sorry, good morning." Subaru said. He too got no response. Subaru then jumped off the bed then did a weird pose. "Sorry for the trouble we cause till now! Subaru and Percy are gonna start over!" He exclaimed. "It was you causing the trouble!" I tell him and tripping him making him fall onto the bed. 

Subaru was walking around Beatrice, and I was sitting on the ground looking at some books. We were back at the forbidden library.  "I think I know how we first died now. It was some sort of physical weakness." Subaru said. "Yeah, but I didn't feel any weakness this time around. And this time there was an attacker." I tell him. "Could it be that someone here was the target, because of our involvement with Emilia and the Royale Selection ever since the Loot House?" Subaru said. "I'm not sure. While you were dying, I was falling down all the damn stairs and I heard my name after I went." I said making a cutting motion to my neck. "Quit pacing around, you are irritating me so stop or get blown away." Beatrice told Subaru. "Cut me some slack walking around in circles helps me think a little. Come on we're close now aren't we?" Subaru asked Beatrice. "What relationship do you think we have I suppose. We're not best friends having only met twice." Beatrice replied turning a page in her book. 

"Aw man, well at least let me relax here or something." Subaru told her. "Hey Beatrice, what's that book you're reading?" I ask her. "It is a book telling me how to get rid of bugs I suppose." She replied. "Whoa, you get bugs in the forbidden library?" Subaru said. "Looks like you can mask your fear now I suppose. Your hands has stopped shaking." Beatrice told Subaru closing her book. "Oh man you noticed huh?" Subaru replied. "I don't like the fact that I am a mere convivence to you I suppose. So leave or be blown away." Beatrice told us. "Hey, I'll be out of your hair in no time." Subaru told her. I got up and joined him at the door. "We'll see you later Beatrice." I tell her. "I'd rather not see you again. Now, shoo shoo." She said waving her hands at us. "Shoo shoo?" I said. "Wait we were the bugs in here!?" Subaru said. "Just get out of here this instance!" She replied and shot Subaru out of the room. I get out and look at Subaru outside landing on a bush. "You good?" I asked him. He gave me a thumbs up and stayed down there.

"That looked painful are you alright?" Emilia asked Subaru. I was still inside looking at this. "Of course, Mellie. Your kindness is the one thing that can heal me." Subaru replied making me cringe a little. "Just so you know, Rem set manure down in that flower bed yesterday." Emilia told him. There was a pause. Then Subaru jumped out of it and I started to laugh my ass off falling on the ground. I let Subaru and Emilia be and walked down the hallway. I eventually found my way outside so I can meet them. When I got there Puck and Subaru were playfully fighting and I took this chance to attack. 

"And his name is-" I yelled and jumped onto Subaru. "Ack!" Subaru exclaimed pushing me off him. "Don't go around making stupid memes now Percy!" Subaru told me. I laid on the ground, humming John Cena's little entrance music. "Percy are you even listening!?" Subaru said punching my stomach. Then Puck hit Subaru too and then all of us were in a playful brawl. We stopped when we heard Emilia laugh. We all looked at each other then Puck flew back to Emilia. Subaru sat back down and I decided to leave them to talk and laid down in the grass nearby. "The sub feels good on my tired body." I say to myself. 

After a while I hear Rem and Ram walk over. "Sister sister, it appears that our guest has fallen asleep on the ground." Rem said. "Rem Rem, it appears so. He looks like an idiot doing so." Ram replied. I sit up quickly. "Hey I do not!" I protested. They stared at me for a moment. "Master Roswaal has returned from his trip. Please come inside." Rem told me. I sighed and got up. "Okay, but a sorry would help too." I replied. 

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