The Reunion

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I was at the Apple Stand again. "What's the matter guys? Looks like you seen a ghost or something." The Apple Guy said. "I have no idea." Subaru said falling down. I fell to my knees holding my head. 'Damn my head hurts like crazy.' I say to myself. After a few moments the Apple guy threw water onto Subaru waking him up. "Know what. Just have these." The Apple Guy said handing him an apple and a water. "You good bro?" I ask him still holding my head. "I don't kn-" He said and stopped. He then got up and ran off. "Hey where are you going?" The Apple Guy asked. "Sorry about that. We'll see about that later." I tell him and ran off to Subaru. 

"Wait stop. Satella!" Subaru yelled. It caused a scene and Satella stopped right there. There were murmurs going on around the crowd. "My disappearing and not doing what you said were my fault. I was desperate, so I went back to the loot house, but we still couldn't find you." Subaru said to her. I was by him now finally caught up. "I'm sorry for only thinking of myself, but I am glad you are alright. Satella." Subaru added. She turned around with an angry look. She didn't look pleased to see us at all. "What in the world is wrong with you?" She asked with a stern voice. "Eh?" I said confused now. "Now I do not know who you think you are, but do not call me by the name of the Witch of Envy. What were you thinking!?" She exclaimed. 

"I'll ask again. Why did you call me by the name of The Witch of envy?" She asked us. We were both in shock and in confused. "Uh, you told us too." I answered. "I don't know who really told you, but they have a terrible sense of humor." She said. "She is the very definition of taboo and you call me by her name." She added. She then started to walk away from us. I looked around in the crowd which didn't look happy to see us. Then I saw a familiar tiny blonde streaking through the crowd. "Hey Felt." I call out to her. She had already ran past (Satella?) and ran off. "Was this your plan all along?! A distraction!?" She yelled at us and chased after Felt. "No you have it all wrong!" Subaru replied back. We stood there for a second and then chased after them.

We lost her at the alleyway, but we were already out of breath from shock and exhaustion. "Ah! This world sucks man." I tell Subaru. "Yeah, why the hell were we even summoned here?" Subaru ranted. "What are you two going on about?" Thug 1 asked us. The thugs were back in the alleyways. "If you don't want to get hurt then cough up everything you got." Thug 2 told us. "How can you guys be so damn persistent?" Subaru asked them. "Now out of the way we got somewhere we need to be." Subaru added. We then started to walk past them. Then we both got stabbed. 'Ow dammit not again. This still hurts like hell.' I think to myself. I heard commotion between the thugs then I was blinded by the light.

We were back at the Apple Stand once more. "What's the matter guys? Looks like you seen a ghost or something." The Apple Guy said. "Hey sir, how many times have you seen us?" Subaru asked. "What? This is the first time ever seeing you at all. Now are you buying or what?" He asked. "Sorry but I do not have any money at all! Totally broke!" Subaru replied. We then sat down by some stairs nearby. 

"Huh, got my phone, wallet and my whole bag. There is no denying it. We return to our initial state after dying." Subaru told me. "Kinda like a respawn point in a game." I replied. "Yup, I'll call it 'Return by Death'!" He said. "That's a dumb name, but it gets straight to the point." I tell him. "Wait that means we haven't met Satella yet and the debt we owe her doesn't exist." Subaru said standing up. "I don't think her name is even Satella. Remember what happened last time?" I remind him. "Oh right. Well, we can sell our stuff and get some actual cash and use our modern ideas to get by." Subaru said. "Eh, that's the spirit I guess, but wait doesn't apply to both of us then? Because I didn't get sent back after you died. I got stuck where I was." I tell him "Oh yeah, maybe it only works when we both die. But wait you also have a power too. I saw in that fight you had fire on your arms man." Subaru told me. "Yeah, but I don't even know how I did it. I just did." I tell him. 

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