The Aftermath of our Ignorance

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Emilia left the room. I knew that they had argued about something, but I didn't know what. She then entered my room where me and Rem were. I was sitting in a chair and Rem with me helping me eat some Apple Pie. It was delicious. I even tasted some cinnamon. Once Emilia entered the room, me and Rem stood up. "No, it's fine, continue what you were doing." Emilia told us. We sat back down, and Emilia sat at the bed. We sat there in silence for a moment or two. "Emilia-" I said. "I don't want to hear it right now Percy." Emilia told me. "Alright, but I have to tell you. It was because of me. It was me who got us out of the house today, I knew how much you meant to him and wanted to support him. But I did not know that this would happen. I am sorry." I tell Emilia and bowed my head. She smiled for a second then it disappeared. "I know Percy, but I am going to have to end this." Emilia told me. "I know, after what happened today. I was almost expecting it." I replied. "Wait so does that mean, me and Ram won't be able to see Percy anymore?" Rem asked standing up. "Oh, come on Rem, I'll still visit you guys. I just won't be there all the time." I tell her. "But I don't want to-" Rem said until I stopped her. "It's fine, hey look. We're here now ain't we?" I tell her. Rem shook her head and sat back down. "Emilia, want to know what I found out about you today?" I ask her. She stood up and was by the door. "What did you find out?" She asked. "Well, I found out you are very strong willed and character. Plus, you are a way better option to rule the kingdom than anyone else in that room." I tell her and chuckled some. "I'll see you around, Percy." She said and left the room. 

Rem looked like she was going to be in tears. I got up and took her hand and then pulled her in for a hug. "It'll be alright...." I tell her. She hugged back and I was wincing in pain. I still had bruises all over my chest still. "Maybe we should get Emilia to heal my bruises before she leaves." I said and chuckled some. I felt tears go down her face then she giggled. "Yes, I think so too." Rem replied. 


We were practicing our sword skills with Wilhelm. The Old Man we met at the Roswaal mansion. I had already gone and practiced with Wilhelm and now I was practicing trying to open my Gate more. But man, he is good for an old man, either that or we just suck at this. I've had some experience with sword play, granted it was when I was about 12 years old and only did it for six months before my Old Man taught me different martial arts.

I gave up opening my Gate and now I was sitting on a chair nearby with Rem. Subaru looked like he was getting all his anger out during this practice. He got knocked down one more time before Wilhelm stopped it. "Perhaps we should pause and take a little break now." Wilhelm said. Subaru was on the ground panting and tired. "I'm down for round two." I said standing up. "No you're not." Rem said. "Yeah, you're right." I said. "There is someone here to see those three." A guard said coming up to us. "Yeah? Alright, let's go Subaru." I said and went to help him up. 

"Forgive me." Reinhard said bowing to us. "Woah, wait a sec. There's no need for that. What do you got to apologize for?" Subaru asked. "Yeah, none of this was your fault." I added. "No, I am a friend to you two and to Julius. I feel like my own lack of virtue was responsible. I failed to stop a dispute between my friends." Reinhard said and looked up at us. "That duel, there was no meaning behind it." Reinhard added. "Wait what? There was no meaning?" Subaru asked. "Yes, as of nothing of value came of it. You two got hurt, Percy worse condition than he was. And Julius ended up tarnishing his career as a knight." Reinhard replied. "Why not try to have a calm open discussion with him. I'm sure that will clear up any misunderstandings." Reinhard added. "Look Reinhard. I get how you feel. Honestly. You really are a nice guy." Subaru said. "So then will-" Reinhard said sounding excited. "But I cannot accept that proposal." Subaru interrupted him. Then Subaru left to go back. Me and Rem stood there. "What about you Percy?" Reinhard asked. I sighed, "Well, I am open to the idea, but I am going to need a few days. I still have mixed emotions about it and I am sure Julius does too." I tell him. "What have you gained from it?" Reinhard asked. "Nothing, in fact I lost the one place I'd call home. But I didn't say no to the idea." I remind him. "Well, Reinhard. You better head back, I'm sure Felt is a handful at times and is new to the world she was brought upon." I added and put my hand out. Reinhard smiled and shook my hand. "Indeed she is. I'll tell her you said 'hello'. I'll see you around, Percy." Reinhard told me. Then we parted ways. 

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