The Courage

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It was now morning and we all met at the entrance. "Today is a fresh start! A new me!" Subaru exclaimed. "You're still loud." I tell him. "The lap pillow, right." Rem asked Ram. "Definitely the lap pillow." Ram replied. "Huh? A lap pillow?" I said and looked at Subaru. "That's why you were excited last night!? A freaking lap pillow!?" I yelled at Subaru. "Now you're the one being loud." Ram said. "Haha, jealous?" Subaru smirked. I sighed and calmed down a little. "A little. I got a foot to the face and a headache." I said and looked at the girls. "We can give you a lap pillow." Rem and Ram said. "Not now you two!" I exclaimed. "Good morning." Emilia said and walked down the stairs. Emilia and Subaru looked at each other then looked away. I looked at them with a shocked expression and grabbed popcorn out of thin air. "Are you okay now?" Emilia asked. Subaru took a deep breath. "Yeah, I am okay now." He replied. I ate some popcorn and then Ram hit the back of my head. "It is too early for that." She told me. "Mellie, I'm sor- no. Thanks for everything." He added. "Of course." She said.

We were walking to the kitchen until Subaru grabbed me and went behind the curtain. "Percy I have a favor to ask." He asked. "Uh yeah, what is it. Plus, can you back up a little." I tell him. "No time, but can you go down to the village today?" He asked. "Yeah sure I can. That's easy-" I said and he interrupted me. "And get touched by everyone there." He added. "Yeah...I don't feel that." I tell him. "C'mon we have to find this Shaman before he finds us remember?" He told me. "Fine, I got it." I tell him. We walked into the kitchen were the other two were waiting for us. "Are you prepared for the morning chores?" Ram asked us. "Actually, I have a favor to ask." I replied. "A lap pillow." Rem said. "Definitely the lap pillow." Ram said. "No! That's not what I was going to ask!" I exclaimed. "I was thinking about going to the village nearby. Do we need to go shopping for anything?" I asked them. "Actually, we are low on seasonings. So I was thinking of going tomorrow." Rem replied. "See, why don't we go today?" I tell them. "It is a good idea. Barusu can handle the morning chores since it is so little." Ram told Rem. "Yeah, I can handle the- wait what now?" Subaru said. "It is settled then. Me and Rem will go with Percy. Barusu you can handle this morning's chores." Ram said. "What!? No Percy switch me jobs!" Subaru said as we walk out of the kitchen. "Sorry I am going shopping. Have fun Subaru." I reply walking out. 


"Alright everyone now wasn't that awesome?" I ask everyone. I had to find a way for all the villagers to touch me and teaching them some Martial Arts was the only thought I had. Everyone clapped and looked like they were having fun. "Percy, what is this game?" Ram asked. "Oh this isn't a game. It is my homelands Martial Arts. I can show you guys sometime." I tell Rem and Ram. "No thanks it looks dumb." Ram said. "Ram Ram that was mean." A kid told her. "Ram Ram you're scary." Another said. "Did you teach them to say my name like that?" Ram asked. "Ah, maybe a little." I replied. "How about me?" Rem asked. "Your Rem Rem." A kid said. "Yeah, Rem Rem." The other added. Rem and Ram looked at each other and then back to me. I gave them an awkward smile. "Hey Percy." A little girl tugged on my shirt. "Yeah, what's up?" I asked. "Can you come over here for a second?" She asked. "Well, if Rem Rem and Ram Ram says it's okay." I told her. They smiled. "Okay have your way for a little bit." Ram said. The kids cheered and dragged me over to the fence. The little girl grabbed the dog and went to me. "Oh I remember you. It's the cute little puppy." I said and petted it. It didn't react for a few seconds. "Ah yes, I didn't get bit this time." I said and then it bit me. "AH! Mother of god it still hurts." I exclaimed. "She got nervous." The little girl said and laughed. The other kids laughed too. "Alright Percy, it's time to go." Rem said. "Alright, I am coming." I replied. "Well, see you kids later." I told them.

I set the barrel down. "Oh dear lord we finally made it." I said resting on the barrel. "Praise me for I have done it." I added. "Good job Percy." Rem said. "Yes, good job indeed." Ram added. "Ah, I see that you three have made it back." Roswaal said walking outside. "Yes, we have finally made it back." I replied. "Just in time to see me off." Roswaal said. "Oh are you seeing someone?" I asked. The two girls walked by my side. "Yes I am. I have received a troublesome letter and going off to see them now. It looks like I won't be coming back tonight." Roswaal said. "So, Rem and Ram. Watch over the mansion while I am gone." Roswaal told them. "Yes sir. Even with our lives." Rem and Ram said. "What about me?" I asked raising my hand. "I expect good things from you. So watch over the girls." He told me. "Uh, alright." I replied and started to walk away. "I'll be off now." He said and started to fly off. "Bye." I said and waved. "...Wait he can fly!?" I exclaimed. The girls laughed at my statement, and we walked back inside.

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