The Two self-proclaimed Knights

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"Honored members of the council of wisemen, I an imperial Knight, Reinhard Van Astrea. Would like to announce the completion of my mission. The fifth contender. The final candidate." Reinhard announced. "The one mentioned in the prophecy. Has been located." He added. The doors behind everyone opened up and we all turned around. "The one I myself revere as Queen. Miss Felt!" Reinhard said. "Huh? That's Felt!?" I exclaimed.

Felt was in a dress walking down the aisle making her way to the center. "Thank you for gracing us with your presence, Miss Felt. It's wonderful to see you." Reinhard said to her. "Ah, Reinhard." She said and walked up to him. Then she lifted up her dress some and tried to kick Reinhard. "You bastard! Why did you drag me out here with no explanation!?" She yelled at him. Reinhard caught her kick, "You surprised me, what could've brought on such behavior?" He asked. "Don't stop my kick and act like nothing just happened! Enough with the surprises!" Felt told him. Reinhard put her foot down. "Don't you like the nice boots and dress? They look lovely on you." Reinhard told her. "I'm not talking about what I'm wearing!" She replied. "Guess you can't change someone that easy from the roots." Subaru said. "And I'm glad to see it's not just me." Subaru added. "Don't you people even see me!?" I exclaimed. "Woah, what the hell are you doing out here?" Felt said and walked to us. "Hello there bee-" Subaru said and then got kicked by Felt. "Ehe, Felt don't kick me too." I said. She then kicked me in the balls and I dropped. "This is like the third time. Please have mercy!" I told her. "Seems like you two are still alive." Felt said. "Yeah, after you hit my head a million times! I can still feel the tiny bruises." I tell her and got up. "Well your head weighs a ton! My legs felt really numb after that!" Felt said and got up in my face. "Miss Felt if you're done rekindling old friendships. Would you please come over here." A wiseman said. I smiled, "Now go get them Felt." I tell her and put my hand on her head. She then bit my hand and left to go back to the center where all the other candidates were.

"She bit my hand again!" I exclaimed. "So what is it you want me to do anyway?" Felt asked. "If you ask me. Act more like a lady, but first comes this." Reinhard said and gave her an Insignia and it glowed in her hand. "As you can see, she is recognized as a priestess. Now that participation is approved by the powers. I think it is time to begin the Royale Selection process." Reinhard announced. "Knight Reinhard, what steps was taken upon her discovery?" A wiseman asked. Reinhard knelt and put his sword by his side. "About one month ago, I took custody of Miss Felt at the Slums." Reinhard said. "You mean she's a gutterrat?" Someone asked. "Sorry for being a gutterrat. But you were the ones that dragged me here against my will!" Felt exclaimed.

"All this pointless blatter could not be more tedious." Priscilla said. "But you may have survived down there cause you could only hold tedious conversations." Priscilla added. "What? If you want a fight you got one." Felt told her. "What insolence." Priscilla said and we felt some magic being made. Emilia stood in front of Felt and Reinhard stood in front of them. "I'm sorry Miss Priscilla." He said. "What were you thinking of doing this at such a time?" Emilia asked her. "I was just going to teach that little bitch a lesson. And what about you? Aren't you going to apologize for you birth? You silver haired half elf." Priscilla told her. 'Man I am not liking this whole thing one bit.' I say to myself. "I already told you, I have no relation to the witch." Emilia said. "Miss Priscilla, could you please stop it now. Cause I will be the one suffering if you make too much enemies." Helmet said. 

"Will the Royale Selection candidates come fourth at this time." Someone said. "Miss Priscilla Barielle and her attendant, Al." He added

"This selection process is pointless. I'm the one suited to rule this nation! All you people need to do is grovel before my feet and serve me!" Priscilla exclaimed. 'Still a brat kid' I think to myself.

"The head Karsten family, Miss Crusch Karsten and her attendant, Knight Felix Agyle." The man said. 

"Should I become the new ruler, I vow the dragon will forget it's covenant. The great empire of Lugnica belong to it's people, not to that beast." Crusch told everyone. 

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