The Hero meets the Witches

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Then those hands grabbed me and moved me away from Emilia. "Now watch as the girl you were clinging onto so tightly get shredded limb from limb." Petelgeuse told me. "No stop it!" I screamed as the hands got closer to her. "Stop it!" I screamed. Suddenly, Pucks ice crystals were thrown outlining Emilia's body. "Just what are you doing to my daughter?" Puck asked. Then we all looked up and saw him with crystals covering the sky above us aimed straight for us.

Puck looked pissed as he was looking down on us. "Now die." He said and his crystals hit every Cult member except Petelgeuse. "Oh my brain, it trembles." Petelgeuse said. "Puck!" I called out. "Shut it Subaru, I don't care what you have to-" Puck said and then he groaned. Petelgeuse's Unseen Hands were crushing Puck and I watched in terror. "If you truly wish to kill me." Puck said. Then he broke out of the hands and transformed into some big cat like creature that towered over us. "Then you'll need a thousands more shadows, half of what Satella could." Puck added.

The area felt like a blizzard instantly. Snow and wind piercing through the air. "Puck is that really you?" I asked him. "Can't you tell?" He replied his eyes shined. "Maybe it's cruel for me to ask." He added. "This cannot be, it just absolutely cannot be." Petelgeuse said biting his fingers. Petelgeuse kept rambling on and I just looked at Puck who raised his foot and struck down Petelgeuse.

"Now then, shall we discuss the sins you committed?" Puck said and looked down at me. "The first sin, you broke your promise to Lia. You don't understand how important it is to a Spirit Arts user." Puck said. I slowly froze to death as Puck talked to me. I already felt my body freezing. "The second, you ignored her explicit wishes and came back here." He said. "And third." He said leaning towards me. "You let Lia die." He told me. This made me lean back away from him. "In accordance to my contract, I will destroy the world." He said. "But why." I managed to get out as my body froze. "Emilia is my entire reason for existing. There is no point in living a world without her." He told me and turned away. My body froze and I fell down my body shattering. I slowly died and closed my eyes. Being blinded by the Black and White light.

~Percy P.O.V~

I opened my eyes to see I was not in the bed of the Crusch house, but I was in a field with no end in sight. I looked around frantically for a moment to realize this was not the world I was in earlier. Then I was surrounded by seven people one in a casket thing with legs!

"Hey what the hell!?" I said. "Why are you in a casket? Freaking weirdo." I said pointing at her. "This is how he talks to the Seven Sins." One with the Butterfly hairpin said. "Huh!?" I exclaimed. "There's no way that all of you could be the Seven Deadly Sins." I said and looked at all of them. "Okay, maybe a 70% chance you could be. But why are you surrounding me!?" I asked them. I felt really anxious being around them. "Well, you died." The pink hair said timidly. "I know I freaking died, but am I supposed to go to the last checkpoint?" I asked them. "Wait, how do you know about this painful power!?" I exclaimed. "Yes!" The girl in the casket said. "No!" The yellow hair told her. I was so confused and anxious I didn't know what to do. So I sat down in the middle while they all looked at me. "Can I at least know the names of the weirdos watching me?" I asked.

They all looked at each other then back to me. "I am Echidna, Witch of Greed." One introduced.

"I am Minerva, Witch of Wrath." Another introduced. "Weird, aren't you supposed to be like, 'Ah! I am scary and vengeful! Ah!'" I asked her. "There is no way I am like that!" She exclaimed and punched my arm. "That didn't even hurt!" I tell her.

"I am Sekhmet, Witch of Sloth." Another said laying down. "Hey you're freaking little person killed me!" I tell her. "I know." She replied.

"I am Daphen, Witch of Gluttony." Another said. "You met one of my three beasts just now." She added. "Wait so the stupid fish is yours?" I asked. "You call it, The White Whale." She replied. "I called it, Stupid Fish." I tell her.

"I am Typhon, Witch of Pride!" One said. She looked like a kid. "How is a kid a Witch of something like Pride?" I asked. She got mad at this comment and stomped on the ground. "I'm sorry!" I tell her.

"I am Carmilla, Witch of Lust." One said timidly. "I don't know about that." I replied teasingly.

"I am Satella." One said. "Wait a minute, you're the one everyones been talking about." I said looking at her. "No you got it all wrong. Me and The Witch of Envy are different people." She told me. I look around. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes!" She pleaded.

"Well, now that I got to know your names....why am I here again?!" I asked jumping up. "To play!" Typhon said and grabbed my hand. "Is that really why I died and got summoned here?" I asked looking down. "No, we are here to tell you what will come." Echidna said. "Okay, I'm listening. Anything that can perhaps, kill that Stupid Fish and Petelgeuse?" I asked. "They can be killed. That's all I will tell you." Daphen told me. "I figured." I said and sighed.

"You are going to have to kill The White Whale in order to save your village." Echidna told me. "Well, that's a given it's in our path of the fastest route back. But we can't even muster up an army to even come to our aid." I replied. "Even so I tried to fight it and it freaking killed me. That's how I ended up here in the first place." I added. "You can do it Perseus!" Minerva said. "Okay, but even with my magic right now I could only hit it's damn eye." I said. "It's because you didn't use all of your magic abilities." Daphen said. "I'm going to need more time than 3 days to even master it all." I tell her.

I sighed and stood up Typon finally let go of my hand. "Wow, you guys aren't that terrible to hang out with." I tell them. "Don't get the wrong idea, Percy. We are the Seven Deadly Sins of course." Sekhmet said. "I know that, but I've been wondering this for a while. Who summoned me to this world in the first place?" I asked. They all looked at Satella then I did as well. "I-I-I did." She said. "Ah, I kinda thought that too. Why's that Satella?" I asked walking to her. "I've suffered long enough Satella. Just tell me." I pleaded. "Cause I l-love you." She replied timidly. "...Eh?" I said. "Save me." She added. "Save you? From what a Fish?" I asked. "She's not talking about the White Whale." Typhon said. "I know that, but I need more than. 'Save Me' if I'm going to do anything." I said. "From myself." She said. "You mean the Witch?" I said. She nodded. I sighed. "Okay, I'll see what I can do about it." I tell her.

"Wow, you accept the task so fast." Carmilla said. "Yeah well, if someone that cute is asking for help-" I said and was interrupted. "Even though we are Witches, you'll help us." Echidna said. "You guys sure don't act like your typical Witch. Except for maybe Daphen who is in a casket and wanted to eat me, but you guys sound misunderstood." I said and sat down. It was true what I said. Some of these Sins look like kids and one of them even wanted to play and held my hand. I don't doubt that The Witch of Envy and Satella are different people. Split personalities was a thing back where I was and she looked desperate too. "You are an interesting boy." Daphen said. "Hey! I am eighteen now! I am a legal adult now!" I exclaimed.

"It is time for you to leave now, Percy." Minerva said picking me up. "Eh?" I said surprised someone of her stature and lift me with ease. I looked over and saw a door manifest itself. "Okay I can walk from here!" I exclaimed. "We'll see you sometime soon." She said and threw me at the door. "No no no no!" I said and covered my face as I went through the door.

~New Loop~

I fell off the bed of the Crusch house groaning in pain. Felix ran in worried. "Hey Percy, are you okay?" He asked helping me back up. "I'm not sure, I felt like I was thrown between universes." I groaned.

(A/N) - Well, I did have a plan for Percy in the future and since he died first and Subaru didn't die for a while I thought this made sense. How do you think of it??

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