The Forgotten Man

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He started to move and sat up yawning. "Percy!" Rem and Ram said jumping onto him. He was surprised by them and didn't move. "Uh?" he said. We all sighed in relief that he was okay now. "That's good, he is awake." Emilia said. "Yes, and I am in very great debt to him now." Crusch said. "Percy, we're glad you're okay now!" Rem and Ram said to him. They were still on him and he looked at them confused.

"Who are you?" He asked.

We all stood in shock at this question. "Come again?" I replied to him. "I- I don't even know who you all are and I don't even know who I am." Percy said to us. Rem and Ram got off him and were sitting in front of him. "Are you saying you don't remember us?" Rem asked. Percy shook his head no. "I don't." He replied. Rem looked down away from him. "This isn't a joke is it?" I said. He stared at me confused. "It is not," Julius said stepping forward. "This is the work of the Sin Archbishop Regulus. Many men that were injured during this attack have the same thing he does. Few we don't even know and looks like they are in a coma type stasis." Julius added. "Are you saying that he doesn't know any of us?" Emilia asked.

"Yeah, that is what he is saying. So who am I?" Percy asked. "You are Perseus Yuzuki, or Percy which we call you." Crusch replied. I was kinda surprised she stepped forward. "Yeah, you're Percy. You killed the White Whale." Felix said. "I killed a huh? A fish?" He replied. "Yes and my hero did amazing." Rem said.


We told him everything he has done here. "So you're telling me. I helped save Emilia then got knocked out from a Bucket? What you are also telling me is that I was almost eaten by dogs and then from that I got a crap ton of curses. So not caring that I may die I go back into that Dog forest and save you Rem with the help of Ram. Then I fight a bigger dog." Percy said to us. "Yes in summary." Emilia said. "Okay, to top it all off, I fought a Whale a flying Whale. Killed it and then I fought these two Bishops who may or may not have taken my memories." He added. We all looked at each other and nodded. "Ya'll are some insane people if you think I am going to believe that." Percy said to us.

"Guy we should leave Percy to rest some more. Rem, Ram take care of him until we return." Emilia said and took my hand. We all left the room and went outside. "I am sorry this happened." Crusch said. "Don't worry about it. I know him better than anyone, he probably did what he did to protect you and Rem." I tell her. "I do feel like I am in debt to him after everything that has happened." Crusch said. "Yeah, you and Percy came up with the idea of this alliance and he even killed the White Whale." Felix said to me. "On top of that he went out of his way to protect Miss Crusch." Wilhelm added. "We'll see what happens when he gets better." Emilia told Miss Crusch. "Yes for now we have to assess the situation now. We got to take care of the injured and I will go back to the Knights Station." Julius said to us. "Too soon to celebrate our victory?" I asked the group. "A little early." Emilia replied.

~New Percy P.O.V~

The twins, Rem and Ram, stayed in the room with me. I believe they had a personal connection to me, well past me. They still sat on the bed in front of me looking at me sometimes. "So uh, what was our relationship like?" I asked curiously. They turned away looking a little red. "Our relationship was interesting." Rem replied. "I would say it was new." Ram added. "Ah, so I'm getting a vibe that something must've happened." I said. "We... we did sl-sleep together." Rem said. 'Ayo what?' I thought. "You did?" Ram asked her looking straight at her. "We did because I thought it was going to be the last time I ever saw him." Rem replied. "Well, I don't think this will be the last time you guys will see me." I said and stood up on the bed. I stretched and looked at them. "Because I have no idea who I am and just about everything. So I need you two to help me" I added. "Of course, anything for you." Ram said. "If my hero asks for my help, I will." Rem said.

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