The End of the Fight, but

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"Hey Julius, I wanted to say this before-" I said and then everything disappeared and turned blue. I stopped the Ground Dragon and looked around confused. "What the?" I said.

"What in the hell is going on here?" I asked. "Was it the Witches Cult?" I said and got off my Ground Dragon. "Is anyone there!?" I called out. I sniffed the air and was hit by an intense smell. I covered my nose the air felt like it stung it. "What's that smell?" I said and looked down at a blue flower. "You freaking stink." I tell the flower and then it grew vines grabbing my neck and my wrist. "Patrasche." I called out the my Ground Dragon. 'Wait, that flower just doesn't come to life and Patrasche wouldn't let me die. So that means it's an illusion.' I thought to myself as I struggled. Then a Lesser Spirit killed the flower releasing me from the vines.

Then everything around me went back to normal. Julius helping me up. "So you saved me?" I asked him. "It is you. I can't subconsciously imitate you." Julius said. Then we looked around us. Everyone looked like they were passed out. "It's a bewitching spell and it seems we're the only ones unaffected by it." Julius told me. He looked at me. "How did you make it back?" He asked. "I was fighting a flower and a Lesser Spirit burned it." I replied. "I see." Julius said and brought out Lesser Spirits onto his palm. "What're you going to do?" I asked. "I'm gonna teach everyone how to break the spell." He replied then two spirits flew up and blinded the area. This made my vision go out of focus and ringing in my head. I grabbed my head in discomfort. "I didn't know you had such an affinity to the Spirit Arts, but I can't fine tune it to you right now. Saving everyone is out priority." Julius told me

Suddenly someone flipped me over and grabbed me and started to run. Then they were stopped by Wilhelm and they dropped me. "Ack!" I said as I fell on my face. "That's quite enough from you." Wilhelm said. Then the person was surrounded by everyone else. They took off their hood and under it we saw Ram.

We gathered around a carriage to tell Ram the situation. "I find it laughable that you sent me a blank letter." Ram told me. "Huh? A blank? Damn that Percy he didn't even write anything!" I exclaimed. "Writing a blank letter is almost like an act of war." Julius told me. "Hey I didn't send the letter, Percy did but he didn't write anything." I retorted. "But Ram these guys are our friends. We got them together to take down the Witches Cult." I told her. "I understand now, so you are still Miss Emilia's dog then." Ram told me. "I am a man, but I wouldn't mind being Mellie's dog." I replied. "Calling yourself something so low and still have some self-respect." Wilhelm said.


We all made it to the village gathering everyone. They were confused as to why they had to leave. "Subaru, they are rather skeptical. Remember to be considerate." Julius told me. I shook my head and stepped forward. "Hey everyone, sorry to get you all out here all of a sudden. It's been a while. I got to get straight to the point though, Mabeasts seem to be running a muck in the forest again and I brought some people outside of the village to help exterminate them." I told them. "Stop trying to act calmy about this. It has to do something with the Witches Cult, right?" Someone said. "But why would the Witches Cult come here?" Another asked. I clenched my fist and looked down. "It's because the Lord is endorsing a Half-elf." Someone answered. "He isn't denying it." Another said talking about me.

Felix then hit my back snapping me out of my funk. "Keep your head up and stand strong. That's what Miss Crusch would say." Felix told me. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You believe anything you're trying to do is wrong, you did way worse when you and Percy threw a fit at the castle." Felix reminded me. "You're right." I said and stood to face the villagers again. "I'm not going to try and convince you guys to change your minds now, even though it pains me I understand your feelings. But I want you guys to take my request and get out of here. It's dangerous to stay in the village and that's the truth." I tell them. This caused some murmurs in the crowd. "These are the words of my Master Roswaal. So you better listen to him." Ram said and walked by me. This convinced everyone and they started to pack up.

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